Sunday, December 31
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 10:55 AM 0 people had something to say
Thursday, December 28
Some day....
I'll get better about posting, I promise!:-) Well I did only want to share some pics, because I love showing off my daughter:-) I do need to get pics of us at the park, we go there all that time just to walk around(Madison gets cabin fever) and I never have the camera with me! Today we went and I didn't know it would be soo cold there, I mean there was ice on the ground! But she had fun, picking up sticks and "talking" to them:)
So on with the pics!! We got Madison a ball pit for Christmas, and it's a little bigger then what we thought. But she loves it!
Even daddy got in it with her!
The next two pics are of her Christmas dress, one with me and the other her starting to cry because she did not want to just stand there and was ready to eat!LOL!
I was going to post a pic of my preggy belly, but Andrew got our messy house in the last pic taken of me, so I have to have him take another:-)
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 10:34 PM 1 people had something to say
Wednesday, December 27
Just want to try something.....
I made this for my myspace, and I hope you like it:)
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 4:21 PM 0 people had something to say
Monday, December 25
Merry Christmas!!
Just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Chrismas! We enjoyed spending time with family and it's not over yet!
Last night we were at my parents house, and as a tradition on Christmas Eve we play games together. It was very fun, and Madison wore herself out playing with her new toys:) My mom got her a baby doll(and dressed in blue to be boy baby) And she loves it and feeds it too, it's soo cute I'll have to post pics later:)
This morning we went to Andrew's mother's house to open gifts and we are very tired now. As a matter of fact both Andrew and Madison are taking naps right now. And we have to go back to have dinner tonight:)
We are very spoild, no not spoild, LOVED:)
Merry Christmas from our family to yours!
"And She shall bring forth a SON and thou shalt call His name JESUS, for He shall SAVE His people from their sins" Mathew 1:21
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 1:04 PM 1 people had something to say
Friday, December 22
Ahhh, Christmas time:)
I may post again tonight, but I had to share:-) I love Christmas music!! Love it!!! And I'll admit that I'll look for it on the radio:-) Yes, I'm a dork, but I love the holiday season, even though it stresses me out, I love it. But any ways, here is a link to a great video clip, enjoy:-)
I don't know about you, but that looks like it took allot of planning on their part, and it's amazing of how well it was done. Makes my Christmas lights look sad:-( Now enjoy a classic,:
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 6:27 PM 0 people had something to say
Thursday, December 21
Uggg, cleaning, does it ever end?
It seems like it is endless! Endless laundry, endless sweeping, endless picking up toys, and endless vacuuming! And to top it all off, Andrew came home early from work, sick.....yup, he's sick! I have to admit, I hardly did anything last night, I mostly played with Madison(she's my favorite distraction).
So with the help of my friend here(LOL!!) I'm off to mop the kitchen floor. I love that we have tiles, but I hate that they are white, you can see every little piece of dirt! Sigh.....wish me luck.
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 4:21 PM 1 people had something to say
Wednesday, December 20
Oh my, I'm sooo behind!!
Wow, I am really bad at this, and I shouldn't be because I read others blogs everyday.....sigh, maybe a new years resolution?
Well, I am happy to announce that we are having a boy! We are super excited to have one of each. And as of now(it may change) we are naming him Nolan James, Nolan: because we like it, not common and not weird, James: because it Andrew's favorite book in the Bible. Here is a pic of our little boy:
He looks like Madison did:)
And speaking of our little princess, she is so funny! Each day she makes us laugh, either it be playing peek-a-boo with her bath towel, or singing her songs that she only know the words to:) Are you ready for another pic? Here is Madison trying on daddy's shoes:
She loves her daddy, and misses him when he's gone. And that's allot during the Christmas season, he only has one day off a week! But good news, Andrew did get that promotion that I mentioned early, so he's happy:) We are thinking about moving closer to his work, just because we would be saving more money, we live an hour away, so think of how much we would save in gas! But I did say "thinking" so mom, don't freak out yet, LOL.
Well I should go, dinner is almost ready, and I have to clean, Andrew's brother is flying in for Christmas and i know he'll want to see our new place ans visit with his niece:) So off to eating and cleaning I go:)
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 7:17 PM 1 people had something to say
Wednesday, December 6
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 6:54 PM 1 people had something to say
Friday, December 1
When I say.......
My husband Andrew snagged this off of Scooter Ward's blog. If you don't know who he is, he's the former lead singer of the band Cold. He recently publicly proclaimed his beliefs through an article in CCM Magazine and Cold is now disbanded but he's working on a new project called When November Falls. He posted this on his blog, I think it's great.
When I Say I'm A Christian
When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not shouting "I'm clean livin.'"
I'm whispering "I was lost, now I'm found and forgiven."
When I say... "I am a Christian" I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide.
When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak and need His strength to carry on.
When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not bragging of success I'm
admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess.
When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible But, God believes I am worth it.
When I say... "I am a Christian" I still feel the sting of pain.
I have my share of heartaches so I call upon His name.
When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner who received God's good grace, somehow!
Phil 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 1:20 PM 1 people had something to say
Tuesday, November 28
More Snow!!
Another day of snow in our town:-) Madison had fun, as you can see. And a little boy from across the street came over just to play with her. It was so cute! I don't think it will snow any more, but we are supposed to get freezing rain on Thursday! I'm kinda glad that Andrew has that day off, so that I won't worry about him driving in it. Andrew was telling me that it was easy to drive in the snow for him, but for some it was not(there was a few cars in the ditch, just not taking their time I guess)
So a week and we'll know what we will be having!(cross your fingers) But a lady that I know threw BBC just found out she's having another girl, and in a way I too want another girl I guess. It would be fun to dress up the girls like each other and they should be close friends. Also think of all the tea parties, dressing up, and so on if we have another girl.(I know I can be a dork sometimes, but the little things like that are so neat) But I know that Andrew really wants a boy, this is our last, so i can see why he wants one. But I've talked to him, and he really wants just another happy and healthy baby like Madison was and is. I have to agree to:-)
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 10:29 PM 0 people had something to say
Monday, November 27
Christmas Time!!!:)
So I got the boxes from the garage, and brought them up, but I really was not feeling in the mood. So I just checked lights. And of course Madison helped:) Some more pics:-) I was going to hang some lights in the windows, but we don't have any thumb tacks in the house, and that would mean I would have to run to the store. But I really don't feel up to bundling Madison up because it is really cold out right now, 32 degrees!
I just worry about Andrew who has to drive home tonight. Luckly he went ahead and put on snow tires already, but still, you know?
They say it's supposed to snow again tomorrow, but we'll see. It really strange that we got it this early, we usally get snow some time towards the end of January or so. But I have to go, Madison is a calling:)
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 7:45 PM 1 people had something to say
It's snowing!!!
It's snowing!! I am so excited, I just love the snow! And Madison got to play in it before it started to come down really bad. Here are some pics, enjoy:) The first few pics are before it started to really stick, And what it looks like now.... These pics are taken from our balcany looking at the field behind us. And it's still comming down like crazy!
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 2:30 PM 0 people had something to say
Sunday, November 26
Wow, I have not done this in awhile now. And alot has happend. Madison is one, actually she is now 13months going on is a pic of her at her party enjoying some cake:)
And I am 19weeks pregnant with our second...we won't find out what the baby is untill Dec.7th, and this is a pic of my growing belly:)
I want to say boy, but I really don't know what tis baby could be, with Madison I knew that she was a girl before the big ultrasound, but this one, nothing. I also took a poll on my myspace, if you want to check it our the address is .
We moved into our new place, and it's just wonderful. Although it's only a two bedroom, it will work for awhile, and plus it's really roomy:) I just love how it has tons of windows, I love natural light.
We went to New Mexico for our vacation, it was nice there, and we got to see our old firends that we miss so very much. It was really pretty, but really cold to me:) But then I am always cold. But Madison did really good on the plane, slept for most of it and people were surprised that there was even a baby on the plane.
Madison was a monkey this year for Halloween, she was soo cute! I have a pic of her first Halloween and this one to compare how much she has changed...
The funny thing was people were telling me how she will hate having her costume on, but really she loved it:) It was hard to take it off of her and she did fall asleep in it:) (I am kicking myself for not getting pics of that)
Also Our best friends welcomed their frist child into the world, he was born Sept. 30th, and at 9.5lbs!!! Here is a pic of Jill and baby William:) Okay so I better go now, I have to get the dishes done(oh yay right?) Tomorrow I should have more to write about becasue we are putting up Christmas decortations:) Madison will just love that:)
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 6:35 PM 0 people had something to say
Monday, September 25
She's walking.....
Well, Madison been trying to for awhile now. But tonight, she let go! It was so neat to watch her walk from one end of the room to the other, I don't think she even noticed what she was doing, beacuse she was "singing" the whole time. She also danced to the music that was playing on the tv, soo cute.
But my baby girl, growing up......I did have tears in my eys, but I was happy. But still, part of me wants her to be a baby forever, but I know that can't happen.......ahhh, milestones, I think this is the biggest one to us.
She'll be walking like a pro for her first fast, seems so weird that this time last year she was still in me......sniff*sniff.
O yes, she also love to ask "what's that" and point to everything! And if you don't tell her right away, she'll yell it. So cute, I know, but she can be weird at times, but she get's that from her daddy:)
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 11:26 PM 0 people had something to say
Sunday, September 24
a ho-humm day
Well, yesterday we went to look at a townhouse to rent. It was really nice and I hope that we get. Was not sure how many other people looked at it, so hopefully we will.
Tomorrow our house will be closing! Yay, now for a sigh of releaf. AWWW.:)
I can't wait, because then we will be looking at getting another car for me, so I wont be stuck at home al the time.
Madison had a blast at the grandparents last night, and it was nice to get away with Andrew. The movie that we saw was really good. And I was craving movie popcorn, so that was an extra plus for me:)
I better get cleaning, should be packing, but I have no energy today. I remember it was not that bad with Madison, but for some reason this pregnancy is way diffrent. Oh well:) Better go!~ toodles.
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 4:47 PM 0 people had something to say
Saturday, September 23
Well, I've read about them and thought I might give it a try. What a good way to keep our family intuned about what's going on as we get ready for the birth of our second child and the fist birthday of Madison.
Madison was born October 7th, 2005. Can you belive it, already a year? She is truly the apple of our eyes, and we couldn't be more happier. I was just telling a friend that I couldn't imagine my life with out her. She's smart, and loves to laugh, I mean even in her sleep she laughs and smiles, it's so cute.
Our new one is due in April of 2007, so I'm not that far along, but I'm already showing, so hopefully no twins and just farther then what we thought. I was going to use our friends midwife, but I feel it's a longer drive then what I want to do, she's about 3hours away, and I'm thinking just using a midwife closer.(granted, the hospitals and midwifes that are close are an hour away)
So I must be off, Andrew will be home soon, he's taking me out tonight. So Madison will be going to grandma and grandpa's house(my parents) and we get the night to ourselfs:)
We really need to get a family picture done:)
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 3:21 PM 0 people had something to say