I really didn't think it would, the weather people said it would last week and we didn't even see a drop. Oh well, I guess it is that time of year. But on the side note, I get to dress Madison and Nolan in their cute fall clothes:o)
Ok, and in this house, things have not been going smoothly....these two:
Don't let the cuteness fool you(ok, Madison's picture looks like she's going to hurt you or something, but she's going through this faze that she will not hold still for a picture, and I have to take what I can get), they are both teething!! That's right, so I get it, twice the fun. I guess that's why I have not been blogging as I should have. But yes, Madison is getting more molars and Nolan his top teeth. Fun. Really it is.
I have been painting again, kinda like starting all over. I'm also working on one that is taking me longer because I cannot seem to get the right color for what I want. But I will show off what I did already:
I'm really happy with how they turned out. The fairy one is a small painting, it's like a 5 by 7, and the horse(that one took forever too) is a 12 by 16.
Well, I should go, I have to get the kids fed and dressed.
Friday, September 28
How sad, it's raining....
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 9:38 AM 4 people had something to say
Wednesday, September 26
He's gunna kick my ask!
Okay, so I am behind again....what's new.
I found this and had to share it, because as the awesome mommy I am, I cannot wait to see what comes out of my kids mouth like this.....enjoy!!
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 1:27 AM 0 people had something to say
Saturday, September 22
Already a year?(blogoversary)
Ok, well really it's tomorrow. But I don't think I'll have time to blog, so I thought I would do it today:o) Oh lucky you!
As I look back, I really did not know what I was doing.....oh, wait, I still don't know if I'm doing this whole blog thing right.......moving on...
And my post were alittle spaced out too, and on top of that not very interesting....oh crap, I haven't improved in that area either....
So what was going on in my life?:
We were trying to sell our house. And finally it sold,(oh lucky us) we were soo happy about it! We thought it would never sell, because it was just not a house but a duplex, and most people don't want to rent out their property. But it sold, thank goodness:o)
Madison was going to be one! And now I cannot believe my baby girl is going to be two here pretty soon. My time goes by soo fast. And oh yes, she was the cutest little monkey for Halloween. sigh.
And we just found out we were pregnant again! It was a shock, was not planning on it, but couldn't be happier. I always knew Nolan was a boy, but I think my family thought I would have all girls...haha, not me, I think my brother might though:o)
Soo, that about sums it all up, again not that exciting for you, but what a year form me and my family. From us being sick, going on trips, a trip to New Mexico, getting a new car, going back to a one car family(it sucks), the scary birth that we had, and now, more birthdays, and more, more, more! Crazy I tell ya, just crazy!
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 12:43 PM 4 people had something to say
Thursday, September 20
I was just looking around the news, and something caught my eye. So of course I had to open it. I was just thinking "no way this could be true", but you can read it for yourself: Dead man wakes on autopsy table ...
Crazy huh? I just could not believe it! I mean, how would you feel if you found out your loved one had died in a car crash and was on your way to identify their body but when you there, they are alive?
I would be a wreck.....I could not imagine what the wife was feeling, and how it was for that guy.
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 8:23 PM 2 people had something to say
Wednesday, September 19
50 things t' do in an elevator! Arrr!
Because I couldna think o' any thin' t' write, enjoy this all in Sea dog talk!:
50 things t' do in an elevator!
Make race car noises when ere gets on or off.
Blow yer nose an' offer t' show th' contents o' yer kleenex t' other passengers.
Grimace painfully while smackin' yer forehead an' muttering: Shut up, dammit, all o' ye jus' shut UP!
Whistle th' first se'en notes o' `Tis a Wee World incessantly.
Sell Girl Scout cookies.
On a long ride, sway side t' side at th' natural frequency o' th' elevator.
Crack open yer briefcase or purse, an' while peerin' inside ask: Got enough air in thar?
Offer name tags t' sea dogs an' land lubbers gettin' on th' elevator. Wear yours upside-down.
Stand silent an' motionless in th' corner, facin' th' wall, without gettin' off.
When arrivin' at yer deck, grunt an' strain t' yank th' doors open, then act embarrassed when they open by they's self.
List o'er t' another passenger an' whisper: Noogie patrol comin'!
Greet sea dogs an' land lubbers gettin' on th' elevator wi' a warm handshake an' ask them t' call ye Admiral.
Censored by yer lad.
On th' highest deck, hold th' door open an' demand that 't stay open until ye hear th' penny ye dropped down th' shaft go plink at th' bottom.
Do Tai Chi exercises.
Stare, grinnin', at another passenger fer a while, an' then announce: I`ve got new socks on!
When at least 8 swabbies be havin' boarded, moan from th' aft: Oh, nay now, damn motion sickness!
Give religious tracts t' each passenger.
Meow occassionally.
Bet th' other passengers ye can fit a quarter in yer nose.
Frown an' mutter gotta go, gotta go then sigh an' say oops!
Show other passengers a wound an' ask if 't looks infected.
Sin' Mary had a wee lamb while continually pushin' buttons.
Holler Chutes away! whenerethe elevator descends.
Keel haul on wi' a cooler that says crewmate hade on th' side.
Stare at another passenger fer a while, then announce Ye`re one o' THEM! an' move t' th' far corner o' th' elevator.
Burp, an' then say mmmm...tasty!
Leave a box between th' doors.
Ask each passenger gettin' on if ye can push th' button fer them.
Wear a puppet on yer hand an' talk t' other passengers through 't.
Start a sing-along.
When th' elevator be silent, look around an' ask be that yer beeper?
Play th' harmonica.
Shadow box.
Say Din'! at each deck.
List against th' button panel.
Say I wonder what all these do an' push th' red buttons.
Listen t' th' elevator walls wi' a stethoscope.
Draw a wee square on th' deck wi' chalk an' announce t' th' other passengers that this be yer swabbieal space.
Brin' a chair along.
Take a bite o' a sandwich an' ask another passenger: Wanna be seein' wha in muh mouf?
Blow spit bubbles.
Pull yer gum ou' o' yer bung hole in long strings.
Announce in a demonic voice: I must find a more suitable host body.
Carry a blanket an' clutch 't protectively.
Make explosion noises when ere presses a button.
Wear X-Ray Specs an' leer suggestively at other passengers.
Stare at yer thumb an' say I think 'tis gettin' larger.
If ere brushes against ye, recoil an' holler Bad touch!
Have a great talk like a gentleman o' fortune tide sea dogs an' land lubbers!
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 5:12 PM 1 people had something to say
Tuesday, September 18
Because I can...
I seem to obsess about things lately, and it's really not the creepy kind I assure you. It's just that I get an idea in my head and then I want it done now.
Like we are currently looking for a place closer to Andrew's work. When the idea was new, I would always be on the look out for a place, that is all that is listed on the net. Now that has died down alittle and I don't look as much as I used to.
Now, it seems that dogs have caught my interest. And you know what sucks even more? We are not allowed to have any, and I mean any pets here, not even fish! Yeah our landpeople(owners) are crazy, but not just because of that....
But I have now narrowed it down to two kind of breeds that I want, and oh yes I have pics for you to all oooohhh and aaawwww over :oP
The Corgi:
They are soo stinkin cute!! And they stay small, but not too small. Ever sense my mother in law got one, I fell in love. She keeps on telling me that because her dog is a bully that all corgi's are, but really it's because the way he is raised- with another dog that is old and grumpy....so he learns it from her(the other dog, not my mother in law, LOL). So now with the pictures that I have collected:
Aren't they soo cute?! And yes I am fully aware that I am showing puppy corgi's, but to me even when they grow up they are still cute!
The Beagle:
I have always loved this breed and so has Andrew. I hear that they are really good with kids too. But I do have to say one thing, I want a purebred beagle....I say that because my family has a dog, his name is Duke:o) But anyways, when we got him, the people told my parents that he was a beagle....but he is mixed with a terrier too and I really don't like terriers....but I like Duke......when he's calm, and sleeping.......:o) Ok, on with the pictures!
Ok, how could you not go "aawwww" at that last picture? He's like saying "I know I did something bad, but I'm sorry". And yes, I posted puppy pictures again,( I can't help it) but grown up beagles are cute too, trust me!:o)
So there you have it, I'm weird, but I knew that:o) And those are the two breeds of dogs that I want to get, even though we can't have, but I want them anyways:o)
*oh I needed to add that tommorow's post will be intierly written in Piarat, because it will be "Talk like a Pirate Day", so it should be fun!:o)
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 11:28 PM 6 people had something to say
Monday, September 17
It's Monday!! Yay!......Right?
So not much going on here. I'm just sitting here singing along with my husband's game. Guitar Hero...have you played it yet? It's fun, has great songs on it and it makes you feel like a really good guitar player...really it does. Even though if you tried to pick up a real guitar and play the cords that the game shows you, it will not sound good.....trust me.......I tried:o)
We went looking at Halloween costumes the other day....and I cannot believe the ones that we wanted were $50 each! I know it may not be alot for some, but I really can't see spending that on something that they will only wear once! But the ones we were looking at are soo stinkin cute....Nolan will be either a skunk or a penguin, they are warm too, so that will help. And Madison will either be a ballerina or a 50's girl, ya know with the poodle skirt and all:o)
But here is some random cuteness:
They are soo stinkin cute.
Oh and I wanted to share with you some toddler art:o)
Madison and I did this one night, we were board:
Sorry for the picture over load, but ya know how it is:o)
I don't know about you, but think they are kinda cool. And she had fun too:o)
Well, I have to go, Nolan is calling me.......
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 9:35 PM 2 people had something to say
Friday, September 14
Happy Birthday to ME!!:o)
That's right! 25 years ago at 7:46am a baby girl was born, 8lbs. 20 1/2in.
Wow, 25 years...I bet that makes my dad feel old;oP
But here are a few pictures of little me, it's weird of how much Nolan looked like me and how Madison is just now looking like me, did that make sense? But I will have to post some pictures to compare later.
Here I am in the hospital(this one looks allot like Nolan did)
And this one I am 4weeks old, and that's my birth mother feeding me:
Last one, this is me on my first birthday(here, Madison looks like me)
So there you have it, that was me 25 years ago. I'm not going to post a "now" picture, because that would be dumb:o) Plus you could just look over to the right and see me now------->
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 10:54 AM 3 people had something to say
Wednesday, September 12
What? Me?
Again, as I mentioned before I got another award! Yay, me!
Michelle from And then there were two! gave this to me:
It's pretty huh? :o)
And guess what? I get to pick 7 people to give this nice award to! I know, you're excited.
1. Laura
2. AnnieM
3. Willowtree
4. BS
5. Heather
6. Kellie
7. SJ
Okay, I am aware that most of you have already got this award, but take it any ways, because it just means your extra nice:o)
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 10:00 PM 1 people had something to say
Tag, your it!! Muahahaha!!!
Yup I mentioned before that I got tagged, and I am just now getting around to it. Sad, I know.
But Heather from Shibby Shabby tagged me(by the way, read her new post and say a little congrats to her, it's freakin' awesome!!) and now here it is:o)
You must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog-post containing your own middle name game facts. At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
S:illy(I am most of the time)
A:ware (of what I need to fix in my life)
L:oving(I am, I love my family, my friends, and yes even you, my bloggy friends)
Y:uks(look it up, and it's what I love to do:o))
N:aive (I can be:o()
Ok, it took me forever to get this done, but I did it, with the help of a dictionary:o) And I hope I did it right.........
So now I get to pick some people to do this, and I hope I don't re-tag anyone, if I do, oh well:o)
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 9:40 PM 0 people had something to say
Well, hello:o)
Wow, it's been a busy weekend/week so far. You see it's my birthday on Friday, and my husband decided to celebrate it this last weekend. It was great, we had a surprise BBQ. I really didn't know it was going to be on Sunday, and to get me out of the house my mom asked if i could come over and help with a cake for my sister's friends birthday, little did I know that I was decorating my own cake!
He did a great job putting it all together. And the food was yummy.
Also I got some great gifts, and my husband surprised me with something that I wanted to do for a very long time now:
You see it? Really it's not a zit! I promise:o) But it's a diamond and I love it. I was really, really surprised about it.
Oh, and I got this: It's PINK!!! and sooo small, but it's great, it holds just what I want and it can clip on to anything, so it will be great for when I go on walks:o)
And I know I am soo behind on things with the blog and such, it's just getting hard to get on because Nolan is teething.....I just could not imagine what that might feel like, I feel so bad for him. Also Madison has been getting cabin fever, so she has not been her happy self, but hopefully with it cooling down we can get out and about.
......actually, I think I could catch up tonight, Andrew is home and entertaining Nolan, and Madison is asleep, so I have time:o)
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 9:00 PM 2 people had something to say
Saturday, September 8
Some Randomness....
Oy, it's been a long three days. Sorry for not posting, I have not been feeling well and wanted to just be in bed.
I am soo behind on my reading but I did come across two things that made me smile:
1.) I got a new award! I will post about it later, but it made my day:o)
2.) and I got tagged! Never got tagged in the blogdom before, so all smiles here!
I did get out of my husband that there is to be a BBQ for my birthday, but I don't know when, don't know where, and I don't know who is going to be there....Sooo, BBQ+nice weather= one happy Monica:o)
my son kinda freaks me out when he is sleeping......he sleeps with his eyes open sometimes. Very weird. Oh and sometimes his eyes will fallow you. Creepy.
My daughter is evil. What? How can that be? Well, let me tell you. I had a cut on my leg, so of course I put a band aid over it. Madison, for amusement, started to poke at it. And throws her head back and laughs when you say "ouch". It's kinda cute, but evil, you know?
I had a scare today. It happened so fast too. I was watering the shrub out front and just let the water run over it. After awhile I went outside to turn it off, then the door slammed behind me. I could have swore that I had it unlocked, but when I tried to open the door, it was indeed locked. And the kids were inside!!!
So I went across the street and asked if I could use the phone, but those neighbors were moving out, so their phone was disconnected! Arg! So I went to another house, and she works for my mother in law so she knew who I was, I asked her if I could use the phone. I called the local lock smith and he was not home, the panic sunk in even deeper now...I was getting sick to my stomach, thinking that the kids might be crying for me or something. So I called my mother in law to see if my brother in law could some over and crawl through the upstairs windows because they were unlocked and I am afraid of heights. "yes! we are on our way!" she said, then I could breath.
They come over, Ben got up on the ladder and was working on the screen. I asked him if he could see the kids(our living room is upstairs), he said he could see Nolan playing on the floor, and Madison was standing on the couch looking out at him. She was all smiles! They didn't even know I was gone!
So of course now I am in. But it was scary, I had so many things running through my head. But everything was ok.
I think I need a nap now. I might just do that, both kids are sleeping now, so why not?:o)
Ciao for now!
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 3:22 PM 5 people had something to say
Thursday, September 6
before and after!
Yay! Picture time! Are you excited?! I know you are, it's okay to admit it, promise!:o)
I will be sharing with you tonight, or this morning, what ever it is(it's 12:06am right now for me), some before and after pictures of my kids room.....why? Well because Madison is now(well has been for like a week now) in a big girl bed, and Nolan is now(again for like a week) sleeping in a crib in their room(they share right now).
But first I dug up my cheerleader picures so you can all see what I was talking about.
Photo 1: Me, by myself (okay, not so bad)
Photo 2: Me with the squad, now you see how much bigger I was standing by them!
I cannot belive I wore that.......*shudders*.....so scary.....
Okay, room picture time!!
First, Madison greets us as we enter their bedroom:
Then she runs and lays on her bed pretending that her room messed itself up:
Nolan's bed, being used as a spot for when you don't feel like putting away the laundry:
And oh! What do you know?! Mommy's claning magic touch did the trick!:
But wait! Now we add the big girl bed!:
Nolan gets her old crib:
And now she's all happy!:
That was alot of work pputting her bed together! It was really heavy too!
The bed was actually Madison's great grandmother's bed and is made of brass, so it has some nice history to it:o)
I am soo tired right now, and really we did nothing today.
Oh, guess what?! I'm going to be 25 on the 14th! Can you belive it? I just remember when I was younger I thought 25 was sooo stinkin old! Now......okay I still think I'm getting old, but it's not that old:o)
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 12:04 AM 5 people had something to say
Tuesday, September 4
100 things about me;o)
because I really have a hard time with coming up with interesting things to write, and really I'm working on that, and I am too lazy to deal with pictures right now(wow, that's been like the last four post huh?) Oh by the way, if you wanna see some really cute pictures of pets check out this blog, Willowtree has some pretty stinkin cute fur babies if I do say so myself:o)
So I stole this idea from ~M, and I think she got the idea from someone else........I dunno.
And I know it looks easy, but really it's not. So I'm going to do 20things at a time until I get to 100, because there is no way I could do it all in one sitting.....
So on with it! The first 20 things about me, because I know, your all dying to know;o)
1.) I love cold day old pizza!
My husband thinks I am sooo weird about this. He thinks a day old pizza should be microwaved and eaten that way.....me, not so much, I love it cold, don't why.
2.) I am obsessed with winning the lottery
It drives my husband insane, but you watch, I will win it!:o)
3.) I have a crush on Elvis
the young Elvis, and no he's not dead, he's working in Las Vegas.....seriously!
4.) I like the color pink
As if you couldn't tell. I use to hate it, but when I was pregnant with Madison, even before we knew she was a Madison, I just started to like pink.....now, I have it on everything! My cell phone, my toe nails, and most of the time and article of clothing.
5.) My husband and I did not get along in high school
He's two years older then me, and he dated my friends, but we did not like each other....so much that I think I tried to make one friend dump him. But who would have thought that we would have ended up together? Friends that have not seen me since we graduated are like "no way! You guys hated each other!" weird, I know.
6.) I was a cheerleader
A sad one at that. I was the fat one( I can hear my mom now saying that I should not talk that way), and it only lasted one football season.....sometime I will post a pic of it......maybe.
7.) I have PPD
I really don't talk about it much, mainly because I get the feeling that it's some big bad word and what kind of mother has it ya know? It's not that bad, and not that uncommon, allot of women have it, I just chose to get help.
8.) I love to make art
I say make art because I draw, paint, water color, sculpt, and so on. My first award I won I was in the first grade, my last was my senior year. And it seems that being artsy runs in the family, both my mom and sister are and it seems Madison is too. I haven't done so much lately, but I asked for supplies for my bday. :o)
9.) I'm a lefty!
Always been one to;o) though at one point, I cannot remember how old I was, I fractured my pointer finger on my left hand and had to learn to write with my right hand, I did it, but did not stay that way.
10.)I'm Apache, Aztec(Mexican) and Viking all in one
mutt? sure why not, but I'm proud of it:o)
11.) I love the snow
I love it! Wish it could be just this and #12
12.) I love summer
I love it! Wish it could be just this and #11
13.) Love going for long car rides
And we really don't have to be going to a certain place, I just love the time I get to talk to my husband, make faces at Madison, and enjoy Nolan talking to his toys:o) To me there is nothing more relaxing then to just drive off.
14.) I prefer to shower, not take a bath
I used to love baths....now, not so much. I feel cleaner after a shower then a bath too.
15.) When I sleep, I have to have some sort of covering on
either a sheet or a full blanket, even if it's like 100 degrees, I need something over me
16.) And also when I sleep, I cannot have anything by my face
or I freak out, thinking I can breathe. I need fresh air people!:o)
17.) I have a hard time getting rid of clothes
that I don't ware anymore. I don't know why, but I just kinda think to myself "well, maybe someday I will need it" so that is why I have a ton of clothes and really nothing to ware..........hummmm.
18.) Two children, that's it!
No more grand kids from us, we are done! Both because really we only wanted two, and because the way I have babies we fear it might be really bad for the baby and I next time. So there will be no next time.
19.) I rather drink soda or juice then water
Why? Because fish have sex in water! Yeah, I said it. I'm kidding, I like water, but I would rather have some flavor.
20.) I used to run every day
before school and during school. Now, i get winded just walking up our stairs....sad, I know, but someday(I'm working on it) I will be running again.
Whew, that was hard, and it took me forever! yeah so, there ya go, now you know 20 things about me. Interesting things? well, no. But still it's things:o)
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 9:02 PM 7 people had something to say
Monday, September 3
Oh man, oh man....
I really need to get it together and post some pictures don't I? I mean I have a ton, and they are all loaded onto the computer, but really, I'm to lazy to deal with all the resizing and what not. I suck, I know.
Sooo, I, the girl who said she would not go back to work until her kids are in school, is now looking for a part-time job. Mainly for adult conversation(because really, being a stay at home mommy is really lonely if you don't have a car) and also because it would be sooo nice to have a second income. Because, as we all know, we did not win the lottery.....I swear it's rigged. Sigh.
I really just want to do something like.....ummmm, okay I don't know. I was going to apply for city hall job, but that closed before I even heard about it. And so I'm looking at a bank job, I just hope I could find my resume, it's been two years since I've seen it. And I did have a copy on my mother in laws computer, but it crashed and took everything with it.....grrrrrr. I have to remember to call my last place of employment tomorrow and see if they still have my stuff on file.....I really hope they do. It would make my job easier.
Okay, update time! Yay!
Nolan- he is rolling everywhere!! And I mean it! I think some days he's trying to escape, I found him rolling toward the gate, and he actually did make it to it, but I scooped him up and put him back to his starting spot. Yeah, and I think he glared at me too. Oh, and we all think(we meaning Andrew, my mom, his mom, and me) that Nolan will me crawling soon, he's really close to doing it. Ahhhh, I'm really not ready to have to mobile babies in the house!:o)
Madison- is sooo stinkin smart! She is really good at problem thinking, like ummm, how to get the snacks off the counter-duh, just roll the chair or anything that she could climb and get it for her self....I kid you not. And she knows how to open doors now, so if you want some privacy while in the potty, better lock that door!
We also got her a big girl bed, it's really cute. I just cannot believe she's getting soo big! Makes me all weepy.
Andrew- doing good, wishing still that we lived closer to his job. He's really hating the drive and hating the amount of $ to fill the tank in our jeep! yikes! Oh yeah and he's growing a mustache too, it's soo weird, it's blond. For those who don't know, he's brunette. But I guess if he wanted to grow a full beard, it would be dark too, but not the mustache, nope that would be lighter, how weird is that?
Monica-me! I guess I really don't need to this part, I already did this, ya know up there ^
But first, have you seen this?! it's crazy! (it's way omg, and maybe adult theme? I really don't know what to call it.....but this is the caption that caught my eye, cuz I was like "no, way":Man Molesting a Pinata Caught on Security Camera. I`ll never look at pinata the same way again. NSFW.)
If that does not work, try: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYnJB-jgkqg
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 9:57 PM 2 people had something to say