Wednesday, January 10

oh my, I'm so behind!!

Again!! Ha, I'm really bad at this:)
But anyways, Madison is doing really good. She is becomming quite the dare devil....she likes to try and jump from the rcoking chair on to the couch...yeah fun right? NOT! She misses and ends up hurting herself, but that does not stop her. And we have to keep the dinning room chairs pushed in now, or she'll clime up them and on to the table.....oh joy, to be a parent of a toddler:) But we love her, and she just amaizes us everyday with how much she learns.
Andrew is doing good to. He seems to like his new boss. Wich is really good. They seem to have allot in common, and this boss knows what it's like to be a working dad, the last one did not. But again, he hates being away from home all the time, and hates the drive to work and back, but it has to be done. I just love him so much:)
I'm doing okay too. Just getting big. Later I'll have to post a pic of me when I was seven months pregnant with Madison and how I look now, oh boy! I'm the same size!! That just means I'm going to get bigger:) That's okay, I love my pregnant belly:) Well, better go, I have to do my daily chors now(fun right? Do you wanna come over and do them for me?)

added note: my spell check is not sorry about all the mess:)

1 people had something to say:

J. said...

Aw. My DS is almost as old as your DD. She's a cutey!