Thursday, April 26

Ahh, I have time now:)

Well, I am behind, but that is because I have been really busy!
First off, a few pics of my favorite girl, in her Easter dress!
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketShe was just so darn cute picking up all those eggs! And as you can see, the easter bunny left her some jewlery, she is very girly now and loves that kind of stuff. Also Madison got her first barbie doll. Can you belive, she's already 18months?! She had he 18month check up too, and she's doing great!
Now for the afficial annoucement, Nolan James is here! my bp was high, so we had to induce early, I'll spare the whole story, but I had to have an emergency c-section. So Nolan was born April 10th, at 7lbs. 6oz. and 20inches long. He's a little baby, Madison was 8lbs. 11oz. so it's kind of a shock to hold such a little guy:) So on to do my favorite thing again, share some pics!!!:)
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketI was really puffy form all the IV's and medication I was on, but now, it's all gone down, thank goodness:)
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket yup, he has a head full of hair, and he's taking after my coloring:) Madison took after Andrew, with the fair skin, light hair and blue eyes. But Nolan has, as you can see, my dark hair, tan skin and he has very dark eyes:) He's so cute, just wait, we have tons more pics on the camera waiting to be loaded.
Madison really does not know what to think of her new baby brother, she like looking at him though. I think she's having a hard time because I really can't pick her up any more, untill I have the ok from my doc, but i sure soon she'll be ok with him. She does run to him when he cries, just to make sure he's ok I guess, it's really cute:)
Andrew took off tow weeks to help put around here, and he didn't really want to go back to work. To tell you the truth, I didn't want him to go either, I love having him home. But life goes on, right? As for me, I'm getting better, slowly, but soon I hope I will feel to my normal self again.
But I should go, I'm sure one of the kids will wake up soon, and I have stuff to do:)

1 people had something to say:

Laura said...

Congratulations Monica! He is such a handsome little boy! And look at how beautiful Madison looks in her Easter dress! Just gorgeous! I was so sad to hear about everything you had to go through with your c-section! What an awful experience for you! I hope and pray that you are starting to feel better. It makes it that much harder trying to take care of two children especially when you are not feeling at your best. I hope that Nolan brings you and your family lots of love and happiness! Congratulations again!