Saturday, September 23

Well, I've read about them and thought I might give it a try. What a good way to keep our family intuned about what's going on as we get ready for the birth of our second child and the fist birthday of Madison.
Madison was born October 7th, 2005. Can you belive it, already a year? She is truly the apple of our eyes, and we couldn't be more happier. I was just telling a friend that I couldn't imagine my life with out her. She's smart, and loves to laugh, I mean even in her sleep she laughs and smiles, it's so cute.
Our new one is due in April of 2007, so I'm not that far along, but I'm already showing, so hopefully no twins and just farther then what we thought. I was going to use our friends midwife, but I feel it's a longer drive then what I want to do, she's about 3hours away, and I'm thinking just using a midwife closer.(granted, the hospitals and midwifes that are close are an hour away)
So I must be off, Andrew will be home soon, he's taking me out tonight. So Madison will be going to grandma and grandpa's house(my parents) and we get the night to ourselfs:)
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting We really need to get a family picture done:)

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