Hope you all have a great Christmas, and get all that you've asked for. :o)
I'll be back later this week, with tons of pictures of course!
Merry Christmas! And be safe!!!
Sunday, December 23
Merry Christmas ya'll!!
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 9:03 AM 2 people had something to say
Wednesday, December 19
Oh the frustration!
My site feeder reader thingy.....yeah, it's not working. Saying no one has posted anything new, but when I go to their blog anyways...what do you know, they have something new up.
Very frustrating.
I made some more cupcakes. Chocolate cake with just a plain vanilla frosting, nothing fancy, but oh so yummy. And I have eaten way to much, they're going to my thighs, I just know it. Oh well, at least it was sweet:o)
Yummy cupcakes, want some?
Please, please, please let us get all of our shopping done tomorrow. I know, I'm sooo behind, but like I said that's because I'm way too cool to have it done early(rolls eyes at myself).
Woman on a mission people!
Give me a heck yeah for some randomness:o) But my life is random, but I love it:o)
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 12:40 AM 0 people had something to say
Saturday, December 15
When the heck was the last time I posted pictures of my ever so cute kids? Huh?
Slacker mom. Geez.
But fear no more, I have some pictures that I'm sure you'll all adore......man I rule at this rhyming thing:o)
Lunch time at this house is never dull....trust me:
Yes, Missy doing her cheezin' face, and Buddha Man just hanging out.
Those meat sticks? He loves them....eewww:
Missy is all smiles:o)
Because mac and cheese is the best you know.
Ok, not of my kids, but my awesome find at Target, heck yes I said Target, you know, the place where dreams are made of,LOL.
Tradition in my family is to get new pj's for Christmas morning, this is what I found for my kids:
Yes, that is right, sock monkeys, for him and her! How freakin cute is that?!
And, also, some more Christmas traditions:
Christmas clothes and a new ornament for the year 2007(I write their names on it and the year, something my mommy started and now I have all of mine from way back)
Also, I got them new hats. It's getting very cold out, and now that I have a double jogging stroller, I go for walks alot more.
Our first attemt at getting a picture of Missy and Buddha Man together:
yeah, so not going to happen.(Don't mind the nice wet spot on Missy's shirt, she tried to have a drink of my hot chocolate, "tried" is the keyword)
Missy in her hat:
Oh yeah, now she can't take it off while we are out and about....yay for me:o)
Buddha Man showin off his:
"No more mother!"
Cute kids, huh? I know.
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 7:48 PM 5 people had something to say
Thursday, December 13
Feeling frumpy....
It's dumb I know, but really, I'm feeling it way more then I should.
Even more now because my brother in law is bringing his girlfriend to meet the family.....and she's younger then me.....and cuter.....and waaaaay thinner then me.
So I feel super frumpy.
I guess it does not help that I don't bother with makeup that much anymore, not like I used to. And I also love staying in my pj's way longer then I should. And, I always put my hair up in a ponytail.
Double blah.
And I still have not lost all my baby weight. I'm pretty sure...no..wait...I know I've gained more. But Monica, I thought that when you became a vegetarian you lost some weight? Oh, yeah, I did. But I love me some sweets waaaay to much, can you say cupcakes?
Triple blah.
So guess what's going to be my New Years resolution...again? Yup losing weight, and not being so dang frumpy.
This should have been called "the post of blahness" or something like that or other......
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 11:14 PM 2 people had something to say
Monday, December 10
I'm excited, are you excited?!
As you can see, I have been slacking in my blog posting.....but for good reason I promise you.
Actually, a very yummy reason.
I am going to open my own cupcakery!!
I have been busy working on my business plan, pricing things that I need(i.e. ovens, cupcake boxes, decorating items, pans, trays, and other neat stuff), researching areas(I already know what town I want it to be in), and looking in to grants, loans, permits and such. Lot of work I tell ya, but oh so worth it. I mean who wouldn't want to share the yummyness of a cupcake?
My cupcakery already has a name, I Heart Cupcakes, but I'm working on the logo as well.
Also, I got two, yes two domain names for Christmas...HERE and HERE
So yeah, I'm pretty excited, and my mother in law is kind of guiding me through this too(she owns her own restaurant)so that helps.
So tell me, what's your favorite kind of cupcake?
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 2:54 PM 6 people had something to say
Saturday, December 8
All Things Cupcake!
The ever so talented Tattooed Mama has launched her new site! Ok, it's been there for awhile now, but....she now has her own domain!!! How exciting is that?! You can now find All things Cupcake at http://allthingscupcake.com/ and it has some pretty cool stuff for your cupcake lover!
And I'm just saying, someone like me who *loves* cupcakes would *love* something from what they post on there.....just saying.....
So go check it out, congratulate her and also check out the awesome contributors blogs too!
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 10:44 AM 5 people had something to say
Friday, December 7
Sooo, did you know?
That Christmas is like around the corner?! And then it will be a new year??!
Wow crazy is that?
Something even more crazy.........we have not even started our Christmas shopping....
Oh. Oh. Even more crazyness, my little brother, ok, my little brother that's almost two feet taller then me:o) is going to be 16 next week! 16 people!! I can't believe it. I bet my mom cannot believe it either.
And where the heck did this year go, huh? Geez.
In other news, I just found out today that my daughters training potty has lead paint.....nice right?
Oye, one more thing added to the recall list....
And we all feel better here now. Sooo hated the bug we all got, really hated it when both kids had it at the same time, and with me of course. And my poor husband got it when he was at work:o( Was not fun for him.
I'm going to take advantage of both kids being in bed already and get some much needed sleep.
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 8:13 PM 0 people had something to say
Tuesday, December 4
Gosh I'm evil:o)
So lately we have been getting allot of Toll Free numbers calling our house. And we don't answer them, but it's really becoming annoying to have the phone ring all the time, even after 8:00pm, and even on Sundays!
Sooo, I have decided let let Missy work on her telephone skills:o) (insert evil laugh here)
I know they are just doing their jobs, and it is that time of year for people to be calling...wanting money fro some organisation or other....but come on! Three times in a row is a bit much.
So when it shows up on the caller id, I call for Missy, she comes a runnin' and is oh-so-happy to start up a conversation with who ever is on the other line.
And really, I don't do it all the time, maybe, just maybe twice a day.
I know, I'm evil.
ETA: so, ever wonder who that toll free number belongs to? Write it down and hop in the net and go to www.whocalled.us , it's great, and it also gives feed back from other people:o)
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 11:33 AM 0 people had something to say
Monday, December 3
Oh photoshop, how I love thee...
So really not photo shop, but really "GIMP". I freaking love this program, even though it took me over a year to kinda figure it out....and I'm still learning. But I *love* what I can do with pictures, and yes I'll even show you what the heck I'm talking about:o) Oh lucky you!
First we have a picture of myself, ya know, doing the myspace pose:o)(gotta love myspace photoshoots in the bathroom!LOL) Nothing done to it, it's me, looking tired and all, and if you laugh....well, just know that I know where you live!(ok not really, but you get the idea):
Iknow, scary, right?
But that's me, sporting my new hair cut that I did myself:o) I'm super proud of it too!
Ok, now for the touch up, and if you have me as a myspace friend, then you have already seen it, and yes you can "oooo" and "aawwww" over it again:o)
I love it, I got rid of the shadow under my eyes, because I just have awesome lighting in my house, and I softened up everything. As for the dots? I was going for something that looked like snow....because you know, I love snow....
So there you have it, my new hobby:o)
And as you can see, it's freakin early in the morning...Missy decided that sleeping is just way not cool anymore. Oh I wish I could convince her that it's just not a fad, and that a rested mommy is a much happier mommy too!
Speaking of Missy...she gave me a fat lip last night. Or I should say her toy gave me a fat lip. She didn't mean to, we were playing and she was sitting on top of me and the toy fell out of her hand. Hurt like heck, thought it chipped my tooth. But honestly, I like how my lip looks full now, got me thinking about injections or something like that. But not really:o)
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 4:52 AM 3 people had something to say
Saturday, December 1
How funny!
How many days until Christmas? I am sooo in the holiday mood, it's me favorite time of the year. And tonight, we are going to the bridge lighting,just visit this LINK to see the bridge that I am talking about. It's a big town thing every year, and the bridge just looks sooo pretty when it's all lit up. Also, Santa and Mrs. Clause will be there....yeah, I'm asking for the winning lottery ticket:o)
When I got on the computer I was hoping to read some new blogs, but I guess everyone is now pacing them self's after this whole NaBloPoMo, I don't blame them. And the funny thing is that I don't have to post anything today, but here I am. Out of habit? I dunno.
So I will get some pictures of tonight and share them with you all. It's trying to snow! So yay! Maybe it will snow for us tonight....did I mention I *LOVE* the snow? Well, I do, very much.
this girl, Mommyca ranted at 9:29 AM 0 people had something to say