Wednesday, December 19

Oh the frustration!

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My site feeder reader thingy.....yeah, it's not working. Saying no one has posted anything new, but when I go to their blog anyways...what do you know, they have something new up.
Very frustrating.
I made some more cupcakes. Chocolate cake with just a plain vanilla frosting, nothing fancy, but oh so yummy. And I have eaten way to much, they're going to my thighs, I just know it. Oh well, at least it was sweet:o)
Yummy cupcakes, want some?
Please, please, please let us get all of our shopping done tomorrow. I know, I'm sooo behind, but like I said that's because I'm way too cool to have it done early(rolls eyes at myself).
Woman on a mission people!
Give me a heck yeah for some randomness:o) But my life is random, but I love it:o)


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