Thursday, December 13

Feeling frumpy....

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It's dumb I know, but really, I'm feeling it way more then I should.
Even more now because my brother in law is bringing his girlfriend to meet the family.....and she's younger then me.....and cuter.....and waaaaay thinner then me.
So I feel super frumpy.
I guess it does not help that I don't bother with makeup that much anymore, not like I used to. And I also love staying in my pj's way longer then I should. And, I always put my hair up in a ponytail.
Double blah.
And I still have not lost all my baby weight. I'm pretty know I've gained more. But Monica, I thought that when you became a vegetarian you lost some weight? Oh, yeah, I did. But I love me some sweets waaaay to much, can you say cupcakes?
Triple blah.
So guess what's going to be my New Years resolution...again? Yup losing weight, and not being so dang frumpy.

This should have been called "the post of blahness" or something like that or other......


2 people had something to say:

Anonymous said...

Girl, you'll get there. It took me a while to lose all my baby weight too, but one day you will decide enough is enough and you'll get there...don't worry!

Anonymous said...

Oh honey...I hate to see you waste your energy on this stuff. If I could go back and change one thing it would be not to waste so much of my energy on the negative self thoughts I had in my 20's and 30's. If you put out the blahness vibe people will view you that way, if you put out the vibe that you like yourself, you are a good wife and mother, people will view you that way. Everyone has those moods...just don't dwell on it. My wish for you daughter is that you can grasp and learn to like who you are now and what you are now and not think about what you are not. You are soo beautiful inside and out and it will be fine. Your hubby loves you are as you do him. So have your moment and tomorrow, get dressed earlier, put on makeup and fix your hair, not for anyone else, but for you!! You have a full time job at home with my grandkids, so think of it as going to work and get ready every morning, trust me in a few days it really will help you feel better about you.
I love you sweetie and this will pass. Hugs...Mom