Monday, December 10

I'm excited, are you excited?!

As you can see, I have been slacking in my blog posting.....but for good reason I promise you.
Actually, a very yummy reason.

I am going to open my own cupcakery!!

I have been busy working on my business plan, pricing things that I need(i.e. ovens, cupcake boxes, decorating items, pans, trays, and other neat stuff), researching areas(I already know what town I want it to be in), and looking in to grants, loans, permits and such. Lot of work I tell ya, but oh so worth it. I mean who wouldn't want to share the yummyness of a cupcake?

My cupcakery already has a name, I Heart Cupcakes, but I'm working on the logo as well.
Also, I got two, yes two domain names for Christmas...HERE and HERE

So yeah, I'm pretty excited, and my mother in law is kind of guiding me through this too(she owns her own restaurant)so that helps.

So tell me, what's your favorite kind of cupcake?


6 people had something to say:

willowtree said...

Hey, that's amazing. Good Luck!

M said...

OMG Monica THIS? Is fantastic!!!

OMG! You NEED to email me details lady! Holy! Freaking! Moly!!!

I'm so excited for you!

And for the record? I don't discriminate on cupcakes. Though I have a soft spot for really good carrot cake ones. Or fabulous white ones. With ANY frosting. I *heart* frosting.

I *heart* YOU!!! OMG! How freaking COOL!

Anonymous said...

That's great Mon, I'm so happy for you! I'm sure you are going to be an awesome cupcake maker!!! Oh and my fav is def chocolate :)

Mrs. Booms said...

For the third time today I'm leaving a comment on a blog to the effect of how jealous I am. Which tells me I need to be making some changes...

Now that I got my selfish needs out of the way!! Heck yeah!!! I'm so crazy excited for you!!!

AND??? Mine is red velvet with cream cheese frosting... so good...

Daddy Dan said...

Congratulations, Monica! Best of luck to you!

Shannon said...

mmmmmmmmmmm cupcakes!!!! I don't have a fav i *heart* them all!