Sunday, November 26

Wow, I have not done this in awhile now. And alot has happend. Madison is one, actually she is now 13months going on is a pic of her at her party enjoying some cake:)Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
And I am 19weeks pregnant with our second...we won't find out what the baby is untill Dec.7th, and this is a pic of my growing belly:)
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I want to say boy, but I really don't know what tis baby could be, with Madison I knew that she was a girl before the big ultrasound, but this one, nothing. I also took a poll on my myspace, if you want to check it our the address is .
We moved into our new place, and it's just wonderful. Although it's only a two bedroom, it will work for awhile, and plus it's really roomy:) I just love how it has tons of windows, I love natural light.
We went to New Mexico for our vacation, it was nice there, and we got to see our old firends that we miss so very much. It was really pretty, but really cold to me:) But then I am always cold. But Madison did really good on the plane, slept for most of it and people were surprised that there was even a baby on the plane.
Madison was a monkey this year for Halloween, she was soo cute! I have a pic of her first Halloween and this one to compare how much she has changed...
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting The funny thing was people were telling me how she will hate having her costume on, but really she loved it:) It was hard to take it off of her and she did fall asleep in it:) (I am kicking myself for not getting pics of that)
Also Our best friends welcomed their frist child into the world, he was born Sept. 30th, and at 9.5lbs!!! Here is a pic of Jill and baby William:)Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Okay so I better go now, I have to get the dishes done(oh yay right?) Tomorrow I should have more to write about becasue we are putting up Christmas decortations:) Madison will just love that:)

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