Thursday, December 21

Uggg, cleaning, does it ever end?

It seems like it is endless! Endless laundry, endless sweeping, endless picking up toys, and endless vacuuming! And to top it all off, Andrew came home early from work, sick.....yup, he's sick! I have to admit, I hardly did anything last night, I mostly played with Madison(she's my favorite distraction).
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingSo with the help of my friend here(LOL!!) I'm off to mop the kitchen floor. I love that we have tiles, but I hate that they are white, you can see every little piece of dirt! Sigh.....wish me luck.

1 people had something to say:

Laura said...

Mr Clean comes in handy doesn't it? I especially love the scent of the lavendar Pine Sol. I have been using that a lot lately. Makes everything smell fresh!