Friday, June 8

Good bye rain!!

So it has been rainy here for a couple of days, and let me tell's not fun when you have a toddler who LOVES being outside!!! It was soo sad to watch her standing at the back sliding door and wanting out. But it was not soo sad to have soo many fits! Oy, she's already starting her terrible two's.....want to join?
But now the rain has gone, (at least I hope for awhile) and today was just beautiful. Also Andrew had today off, so we packed up the kids and headed to the park. It was so nice to be outside, but I really hate that the bugs are comming out......why do we have them again?
But Madison loved running around, but she hated the slide, and loved the swings. She was just soo cute, going "ooooo-aaahhhh" when she was going back and forth. And of course Noland was doing what her does best.....sleep:o)
But it looks like it may start to rain again:o( The clouds are comming back. Hopfully it will just melt away as the sun comes out.
Tomorrow Andrew and I are having a date:o) It has been awhile sence our last one. We are going to see the movie "Knocked Up" It looks so good, and we are going to enjoy it with our good friends Jesse and Jenn.
Oh, Andrew and I will be married for three years on the 12th! Wow, it just seems like yesterday......well almost, LOL!
I just love him so much and he such a great husband and father to our kids. I'm super excited to have him see what we got him for Father's Day...I wont say what it is because he reads this from time to time.
Well, I should go....but first some photos!!!
This first on is of Madison and Gabriel, they were saying good bye for it will be awhile till we see them again.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket And now of Madison and Nolan together:o)
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket And here is Madison helping me out,LOLPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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