Wednesday, June 13

her first night....

It was Madison's first night in a toddler bed last night. She did really well too! Of course since Nolan is not using his crib right now, we put his mattress down on the floor by her bed just in case she rolled off. Funny this is that when I woke up to feed Nolan at about 4:30, I checked on her and her legs were hanging off the side. I just left her because I did not want to wake her up. Then at around 8:30, again Nolan woke up to be fed, I checked on her again, and she was all the way down on the mattress on the floor. But then Andrew just told me that when he woke up to get ready, she was awake and up in her bed again. Funny girl.

So I have decided that next week will be the week that I start to eat right and exercise too. I need to get in better shape. I want to look better for me, I hate looking in the mirror. I know I just had a baby, but when can I stop using that excuse? I was doing really good, but then I am just hungry all the time! It's really sad.

Well gotta head to bed, I have been having a hard time getting lately.

2 people had something to say:

Laura said...

That is so cute! Yay for Madison sleeping in a big girl bed! We haven't even thought of trying that with Jordan yet. Sometime soon I'm sure though!

M said...

Yeah Madison! I know I'm late but I'm so excited for her! I hope it's still going well!