Thursday, October 25


I'm in some sort of slump here, and I know I'm going to be in trouble when November gets here....why, oh why did I sign up for NaBloPoMo? For those who don't know what it is, just simply click on my NaBloPoMo badge to the right there----->
And if you don't want to, it just simply means that I signed to post every day for the month of November.........I must be crazy, it will be a challenge.
I see that other people doing it have themes that they are going to post about, but clue as what to do.

So anyways, as some of you know(if you have been reading my posts "100 things about me") I like to listen to music all the time...right? Well right now my favorite song is "Slow me down" by Emmy is a video of that song for you to enjoy:o)

Nice huh? Very...ummm....soothing?

Ok, now for some advertising! Yay!:o)
One of my blogger/mommy friends make the cutest thing ever! They are called Diva Leggs, and are just soo darn cute!...oh wait, have I already said that? Anyways, they are perfect to compleat any outfit, and great with just a onsie on too. Also they would add extra wormth to your little ones legs during the cold season(just in time huh?) and also can be worn on arms if you don't want to deal with the bulkiness of sweaters! So, now just click-clik on This


2 people had something to say:

Anonymous said...

You should ask your readers to supply topics they'd like to see you discuss. That might give you some ideas on what to talk about. Just a thought.

Laura said...

Hey Monica!
Thanks for posting that for me! I really appreciate it! I do check your blog from time to time, but with Jason having surgery and stuff I have been busy (not major surgery, but he had his ACL repaired). I even had someone contact me already! LOL I hope that she decides to buy some! I can't wait to get your e-mail! I have some more made up that I Can send you pictures of if you want. Just shoot me an e-mail and let me know! PS - Can I steal your background? I LOVE IT!