Friday, October 19


I have a new's snazzy, right? My husband thinks I'm crazy, but that's ok. And why does he think I'm crazy? Because I kinda got upset that I lost all of my stuff that I had to the side there, including all the blogs that I lurk around......So, it you don't see your blog there and it was before, please don't think I'm getting rid of you, it's just I have not got around to putting you back on. And really that means, I have to retrace my steps(you know, jumping from one blog to another)and find you again, because I didn't write anything down.....I know, bad me.

So, on a side's's actually been raining for a couple of days. And it's kind of nice. But I still like summer better. But now I get to light my candles and not make it really hot in the house. Oh and I'm excited that it's almost the holiday season....I love Christmas decorations:o)

Off to bed, I'm sleepy;o)


4 people had something to say:

Mrs. Booms said...

Love it... Also? Love that I made it on your roll!!! Good time... And the 108 year old blogger also inspired my friend to start blogging. She had been reading mine and then saw that and thought she could make it work. LOL

And my husband? He's positive I'm crazy... so it goes.

Anonymous said...

I like your new look, very clean and, like you said, snazzy! And doesn't it always rain in Oregon?

Anonymous said...

love the new layout!! :)

Mommyca said...

Daddy Dan- it does rain alot, but not all the time. We actually had a pretty dry summer. And they say that the sun always sine at least I guess that's kind of nice:o)

tattooed mama-thank you!:o)

Shari- thank you too! and love reading your blog, so of course I had to add you!:o)