Friday, October 12

Updates, updates, updates....

Ok, not really updates, more like a....ummmm....I don't know what to call it. I have been seriously slacking in the blogging department, and for that I am sorry, but I have been keeping up on my reading of other blogs, but again slacking in the commenting department.....

Sooo, as you all know, Madison is now two. Sigh, my baby girl is growing. way. too. fast. And of course she got spoiled, but we don't say spoiled in this house, it's "just loved":o) She got a kitchen set from Andrew's mom, a table and chairs from my parents, a Vsmile from us and a ton of coloring stuff from all of us and everyone else. I just cannot believe she is two.....

And Mr. Nolan, he's six months now! A half of a year!! It seems like yesterday I gave birth to him....He's growing fast too. And looking more like Andrew every day. Sigh.

Andrew had a birthday too. His was the 8th, and he turned 27. Sometimes I make fun of him for being so close to 30(I'm not trying to offend anyone) but then I remember I'm not that far off either. Plus, I do it out of love:o)

So that's about it for updates on us, nothing new with me. Oh wait, my older sister and her family are going to be here on Sunday. I am super excited, it's been over two years sense that last time I've seen her. Her kids are getting so big too, and they have not met Madison or Nolan, so she's excited about that too. So I will have a picture over load when they come.

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That's right, save the ta tas! So this is for all the gals out there. I wont go into what you should do, because really you should know it already, and I'm sure you are all aware that this month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. So do what it says up there, and squish a boob and save a life.....but don't go around squishing strangers boobs, because 1. that would just be dumb and 2. you might get slapped.....your choice, so think about it:o)

Well that was my PSA, and I'm a little tired. So off to bed I go!!:o)


2 people had something to say:

Happy Working Mom said...

Have fun with your sister this weekend!!!

M said...

hello. did you see me go on about my OOOOOOLD 30 year old husband? ;) just try to offend.

It freaks me out that our babies are 2 and 6 months now! (wait. I still have 4 more days of a non two year old!!!)

And WIC is the devil. I swear it. I'm so not impressed and get extra cranky and really though I might cry or scream if the woman didn't stop telling me I was wrong. (Hey, I'm hormonal!)