Friday, October 19


So I never claimed to be a "domestic goddess", so I don't know what my husband was thinking.....
He was getting ready for work today, and came out of the shower wrapped in his towel like usual. But he was wiping his face but I couldn't see anything from where I was sitting(you know that thing you do when you walk through a spider web, and your sure people think your crazy because they can't see it? that's what I saw)
Me: What's going on there?
Him: Your robe, that's what's going on.
Me: Huh? ( I got up and stood next to him, I noticed little fuzzy things floating around)
Him: You washed your robe with the towels, and it left fuzzes on everything!
Me: Buahahaha!!
Him: It's not funny! I can't get them off, and it's going up my nose and in my mouth!
Me: Buahahahahaha! (and at this time Madison thought she should laugh with mommy too)
Him: grumble-grumble(stomps down the stairs)
Me and Madison: Buahahahahaha!
So yeah, I rule. Oh and I do stuff and not clean, gasp! Who does that?:o)

I think I'm losing my mind too....and I'm going crazy, but that's because of my daughter. What? Why? Oh because every five minutes she's opening the fridge and unloading it. Fun. Does any one have a solution for that? Because I have not clue as what to do.....yeah, and I rhyme too....dang it.


4 people had something to say:

Anonymous said...

You could duct tape the door shut. That'd also help if you wanted to start a diet. (not that you need to, so don't take offense!)

The fuzzies didn't sound fun for your husband, but it always funny when something like that happens to someone else.

Anonymous said...

You can buy heaps of things to keep the fridge door closed.

Love the new look. Yeah Baby!!

Anonymous said...

fridge: get a small bungee cord and strap cord from fridge to freezer handle...see if that works Love you Mom

Biddy said...


thanks for stopping by my bloggy! i'll be sure to add you to my list of homies ;-)

oh, and to make you feel better about the fridge: a friend of mine just had to buy a new SUB ZERO (and new food to fill it with) fridge because her 2 sons decided to take it apart and put it back together in the middle of the night. they had a few parts left over...whooops