Saturday, July 14


Day two of Andrew's three day weekend, and we had a pretty fun day.

We all woke up late, and just putted around the house. The decided that we wanted to go do something, sooo we headed out of town. We ended up at Diamond Lake. Very pretty there, and even though we only got our feet wet(I was so not planning to be around water today)the water was perfect. There were lots of families out and about, and the campground was full! I have some pretty snazzy pics, but I am sooo not motivated to load them right now.

My poor baby Nolan has the poops, and I'm sure you all wanted to know that!:o) It's gross, and he's lucky that I love him to pieces. Also he scratched his nose really bad, I'll have to post a pic of that tomorrow too, but his nails grow sooo freaking fast that it's so hard to keep up with them. I swear I just cut them like two days ago, and now I had to cut them again today. This is why he sleeps with socks on his hands, because if he didn't, I would probably get child services called on me cuz he looks so bad. How do you other mamma's keep your babies from ripping up their face?

So here is another cute Madison story that happened tonight:o) Andrew decided to put a sock on one of Madison's hand to see what she would do. She just thought it was great, she had a puppet! She was talking with it and everything! Of course it would only say "wa-wa", but it was still soo cute. She even gave it kisses!

Oh, I don't know if I'll post tomorrow, Andrew is taking me to a baseball game. So we shall see:o)
Oh and another random thing, I got a new cell phone, and it's PINK!! yeah! I love it, I love pink, I love pink stuff, if I was a crayon I would be pretty passion petunia petal pink. How's that for some P's?


1 people had something to say:

Anonymous said...

Honey, just wanted to tell you that I really love reading your blogs, it always brightens my day. You do such a good job with things. I love you, give the kids a hug.