Wednesday, July 25

Oh the blahness in me!

I don't know what's up with me, but I have the blahness:o( I really have nothing to write about, unless you want to hear about the terrible two's, poopy diapers and spit-up perfume. No? Me either. sigh.

I have been really tired too. And really I don't know why. Nolan is now sleeping 9hours a night, and I have been taking my iron supplemnt and vitamins. But still, I just can't get enough of the zzzzz's! I'm sooo happy that Andrew has tomorrow off, maybe I get to sleep longer in the morn. And he's cooking dinner tonight, yay!


1 people had something to say:

M said...

I'm pretty sure I can think of nothing else but "NOlan sleeps 9 hours a night?" I then collapsed into a fit of sobs (um, Lily? Used to sleep 4 hour chunks then decided for the last 2 weeks to grow or something and is up every 2 freaking hours.)

Point: Jealous

Other point: I love hearing about blahness.

Additional point: when in slump? post pics. :) xoxo