Monday, August 27

~Fun Monday!~

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So I just joined a handful of bloggers(very neat people by the way, love reading your blogs!)in this thing called "Fun Monday". Every Monday some blogger hostess it and asks questions(from what I gather)or such and we (other bloggers and I)write about it. Yay, an instant post for me. Brilliant!

This week our hostess is Lisa. And she asked:
I’d like to know more about you, what makes you tick. I’d like to know how you started blogging. Did you keep a diary under lock and key safely hidden as a child? Do you still? Do you share the same things on your blog that you would have, or do, in your diary? Why did you start blogging and why do you continue? May as well throw in any roadblocks you have run into while blogging. If you still have your old diaries we’d love to see them.

Well, hummm, how do I begin?
I guess I started blogging because everyone else had one and I wanted to give it a try(actually that is why, my very first post said that, I think). I knew that I was not very good at it, but what the heck, if anything I could show off my babies:o) Plus, I have allot of family that is kinda scattered around, and we don't get together often, so I post to update and let them see pictures of us.
I was the diary queen when I was younger. I mean it. I would always ask for a new one every birthday, Christmas, or just when we were going to get a treat. Sadly I really didn't write in them, I mostly drew pictures and such. Oh and I wrote stories in them too. But most got thrown away when I moved out, I think I have like one or two still...I would post a pic of them, but they are hidden in our scary messy place we call a garage.
Okay, back to the question....I still blog, well because it's kind of my down time. Almost like reading before you go to bed, well I blog before I go to bed, or ummmm early in the morning. It helps me vent alittle, keeps my family up to date about what's going on in our lives here and also to read about very interesting people.
And for the roadblocks of having a blog? Well, is really that my family has the url for it....I know I just said it helps me vent alittle, but truth is I have allot of saved drafts that will never get published because of family reading my blog. So in a way I'm kicking myself in the butt for having one, because my phone does not ring as much anymore, they don't have to call when I post, they could just read. And the fact that I cannot always write what is on my mind in fear that I might upset someone.

So I think that about covers it, not very exciting I know. And I think next week is hosted by Nikki , so I will be there, will you?


12 people had something to say:

Anonymous said...

Hey Welcome to Fun Monday! Glad you decided to join in.

Having the family know the url would be too inhibiting for me, but then I don't really have any family anyway.

If you mostly did pictures and stories in your diaries when you were younger, that would be the perfect for bloging (I don't read too many diary type blogs).

Maybe you should think about a blog just for you, with no links to this one.

Beccy said...

I started my blog as a way of keeping in touch with my family too. I love how I can see what my mum is up to at a click of a button and that she can hear about us the same way.

Hootin Anni said...

Oh yes!!! What a great way to 'show off babies" ---acutually a wonderful way to blog and then print it out for scrapbooking on your children!!

My FUN MONDAY is posted, won't you drop by?

katy said...

you could have another blog that your family dont know about, only open it to readers of your choice. i like being able to write about anything and everything.

Anonymous said...

I t drives me up the wall that my husband has the url for my blog! Sometimes I just want to vent about him and I can't!

Unknown said...

Very nice post! I have those same issues with family having the url as sometimes wouldn't it be nice to just rant about one of them? :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, MommyCa: WE're Willowtree's family. Well, us and his fuzzy babies.

And what started as a way to get out of post-partum depression for me turned into a family connection, so I understand.

But sometimes I, too, just wanna vent...

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way about having my family know my url....some days i think about making a second - super secret anonymous blog just so I can bitch about stuff.

Steffi said...

Really interesting post!

Tiggerlane said...

Fun Monday is a unifying force - hooray!

My family doesn't have my url, but my whole small town does...therefore, I have to watch my comments, so as not to offend.

Molly said...

Welcome to Fun Monday (on Tuesday). You are right the Fun Monday crowd, a very caring bunch of bloggers. I look forward to more of your posts.

Pamela said...

I think we all need two blogs -- the me blog... and the other me blog that is anonymouse.