Thursday, August 2

the joys of living with a toddler....

It's never a dull moment around here. Even as I type I have to be cleaver to keep the little hands from typing something that I don't want. And every time I even look at the computer, she thinks she needs to be up at it coloring or something. But let me share some pics of Madison, and you can kinda get a idea of what it's like most days.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Now this pic is of her favorite snack, the cheese with little beadsticks, I think Kraft makes them. But she decided it's way better if it's up her nose. And yes being the bad mommy that I am I snaped a picture before I got it away from her. Only to have her do it again with another one, and as I walked toward her saying something along the lines "ewww Madison that is soo gross, what eles does your father teach you while I'm not around?" she took it out of her nose and stuck it in her mouth......saying "mmmmm"........But really she get's that kind of attitude form my side of the family.
And we got Madison a "leash" because girly now throws fits when she is in the stroller for too long and wants to walk but won't hold our hand. We only used it once. But she loves to have it on it the house. And it you don't buckle it, she'll scream at you. Nice huh?
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket So we are going to the coast next weekend, and I'm sure we'll have to use it, and Oregon people being Oregon people, I'm sure we'll get some rude comments and I'm in the process of teaching her to bark on command. And sit. And maybe shake. Who knows, but I only have a week to do it:o)


1 people had something to say:

M said...

Oh cod you knew i loved you but serious to goodness this takes the cake.

Booger breadstick girl is fabulous. And you know I love me some leashes. The concept of you getting your darling girl to bark, sit, and shake? Makes me want to pee myself. Can't you come up to the Seattle area and we can take our independent childfolk out together? Liam often sounds like he's howling!!!