Tuesday, August 7

Trying to find the thinner me...

I don't know where I seen that saying before, but it's me all over.
You see, I'm.....well, how do I put it....FAT. I know, I know, I shouldn't worry about it too much right now, I mean I just had a baby four months ago. But when is it not okay to use that excuse? When he's almost two? Cuz heck, I could say that with Madison too! (*sniff-sniff* can you believe it? She's almost two!)
My mother in law gave me something that I wanted for a long time...okay, it has not been out for a very long time, but I wanted it sense it came out. "Billy's Boot Camp"! Complete with the "Billy Bands"(for faster results,LOL) and a 7-day success plan! Woohoo baby! Now I just need to get motivated and start it.
But get this, it says your supposed to get at least 8hours of sleep......ummmm, with a infant and a toddler is that even possible?! Oh and I'm supposed to drink half my weight of water(ounces, not gallons!LOL!)I'm not gunna post how much I should drink, cuz you could put two and two together and come out with one very sad number.
I am excited about it though, Tae Bo is how I lost allot of weight when I was in high school.

Now for some pictures!! We went to the park on one of Andrew's days off, and Madison had a blast. I was surprised that there was no one else there, it was not hot at all, it was just right, but it was empty, so Madison had to settle playing with daddy and mommy, not very fun, right? LOL.
Pics, pics, pics!!!
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
And I think this next one is my fave! It's of Andrew and Madison just after going down the slide!:o)
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And Mr. Nolan just hanging out with mommy, doing what he does best...looking cute!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket In case you were wondering, I edited my pictures at www.scrapbookflair.com very neat site! I have a challenge going on right now for a new blog header(cuz the one I did is really sad). And the ladies there are super talented! I can't wait to have a new one:o) Well better go and get things done, nap time does not last forever!LOL!


1 people had something to say:

Anonymous said...

OH HONEY, you are NOT FAT, I hate to hear you talk like that about yourself. You know it is about being healthy not size. All I know is if there was a way to change how much time and energy I wasted at your age worrying about my size and the abuse and neglect I put my body through I would change that. You have a husband that loves and cares about you. He doesn't say you are fat, he loves you, you have two children who think the sun and moon set and rise with you. You have family that is just so grateful that you and the babies are okay and healthy. So you are beautiful and wothy of good and positive thoughts. Not negative. But you have to believe that cause no one else can fix that for you. I think you are beautiful and lovely and smart and caring and kind as a woman. Not just a mama or a wife. Just my opinion. Take care honey. Love MOm