Wednesday, August 15

Oh my, I'm soo behind!

I guess I kinda got in to a slump. I really didn't know what to write, but at the same time lots was going on!

First I mentioned in my last post that I had a challenge going on to see who could make me a snazzy header for my went great and I had some really talented people try it out. But as you can see at the top is the winning one! Made by the ever so talented Liz, and she has a blog that you can go and check out her work: . Thank you Liz!! I love it!

Second, Nolan has been rolling over for a week now! Tummy to back, and he's working on back to tummy(he kinda gets stuck half way). And he is now four months old! Had his second round of shots today, and daddy was soo proud of him, he cried for like a second and then was done. I felt really bad for him though. Oh, I should mention that he now weighs 16lbs. 6oz. !!! He's such a cutie:o)

Third, Madison has now been three days without a bottle! She was a little cranky the first day, but now she's doing great! We thought it was time. She was doing the same that she did with her binkie(she would want it if she saw it or it was offered)so we didn't offer the bottle or have it in a spot that she could see it. We always have a sippy cup out for her and she's fine. She's even started to eat more!

Fourth, we went to the coast! It was great! Madison did great. Nolan did great. It was just great,LOL! We had a ton of fun and cannot wait until next year when Nolan will be older and will have fun too. And surprisingly we did not get any crap for having Madison on her "leash" as a matter of fact we saw quite a few of other toddlers on them too! So I have lots of pics to post, and *GASP* even a pic with me in it!! So don't laugh, and I'm sorry if my legs whiteness blinds you!LOL!

Madison and Andrew:
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Madison taking a walk:
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Nolan being all gansta':
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Madison and Mommyca:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Madison and Andrew:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
And Mr. N.:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

So there you have it. Pics and updates all in one! Ta-da!


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