Friday, August 31

Favorite Food Friday:o)

Okay, this recipe is sooo yummy!

Mexican Chicken Casserole

4 or 5 whole chicken breast
1 can of cream of mushroom soup
1 can of cream of chicken soup
1 c. sour cream
8 corn tortillas
1 (4oz.)can of Ortega Chillies
1/3 lb. Monterrey Jack cheese(shredded)
1/3 lb. Cheddar cheese(shredded)

Cut up chicken breast into cubes, and then cook in skillet until juices run clear. Set to the side.
Mix together cream of mushroom soup, cream of chicken soup, sour cream and chillies. Set sauce to the side.
Layer in a casserole dish the tortillas, sauce, chicken, cheese, tortillas, sauce....and so on and so on.
Bake at 350 for 45min. to 1 hour.
Let stand for 10min. before serving.
Eat and enjoy!!

So I hope you try it out, it's super yummy as I said before and not terribly spicy either!


2 people had something to say:

M said...

OMFG why did I FINALLY come see your new site and find THIS up? You're evil. That looks so yum.

Anonymous said...

that sounds like grandma vibbert's recipe. You can also take the meat (cooked, turkey or chicken) mix in the soup, sour cream chilies and cheese and roll up in the tortillas and mix up the rest of the soup, sour cream, chilies and cheese and then spread on the bottom of the dish and the rest on top of the burritoes and then sprinkle with cheese and bake, it is kind of like enchiladas I always make after thanksgiving with left over turkey, yummy, grandma v gave me that recipe she uses cream of chix soup and cream of celery and cheese you MOm p.s. you guys left Nolan's bottle and there clothes here. I will bring over this week, you should come see my room over half done, wow, so different and clean...I know shocking. LOL Love you