Monday, September 3

Oh man, oh man....

I really need to get it together and post some pictures don't I? I mean I have a ton, and they are all loaded onto the computer, but really, I'm to lazy to deal with all the resizing and what not. I suck, I know.

Sooo, I, the girl who said she would not go back to work until her kids are in school, is now looking for a part-time job. Mainly for adult conversation(because really, being a stay at home mommy is really lonely if you don't have a car) and also because it would be sooo nice to have a second income. Because, as we all know, we did not win the lottery.....I swear it's rigged. Sigh.

I really just want to do something like.....ummmm, okay I don't know. I was going to apply for city hall job, but that closed before I even heard about it. And so I'm looking at a bank job, I just hope I could find my resume, it's been two years since I've seen it. And I did have a copy on my mother in laws computer, but it crashed and took everything with it.....grrrrrr. I have to remember to call my last place of employment tomorrow and see if they still have my stuff on file.....I really hope they do. It would make my job easier.

Okay, update time! Yay!

Nolan- he is rolling everywhere!! And I mean it! I think some days he's trying to escape, I found him rolling toward the gate, and he actually did make it to it, but I scooped him up and put him back to his starting spot. Yeah, and I think he glared at me too. Oh, and we all think(we meaning Andrew, my mom, his mom, and me) that Nolan will me crawling soon, he's really close to doing it. Ahhhh, I'm really not ready to have to mobile babies in the house!:o)

Madison- is sooo stinkin smart! She is really good at problem thinking, like ummm, how to get the snacks off the counter-duh, just roll the chair or anything that she could climb and get it for her self....I kid you not. And she knows how to open doors now, so if you want some privacy while in the potty, better lock that door!
We also got her a big girl bed, it's really cute. I just cannot believe she's getting soo big! Makes me all weepy.

Andrew- doing good, wishing still that we lived closer to his job. He's really hating the drive and hating the amount of $ to fill the tank in our jeep! yikes! Oh yeah and he's growing a mustache too, it's soo weird, it's blond. For those who don't know, he's brunette. But I guess if he wanted to grow a full beard, it would be dark too, but not the mustache, nope that would be lighter, how weird is that?

Monica-me! I guess I really don't need to this part, I already did this, ya know up there ^

But first, have you seen this?! it's crazy! (it's way omg, and maybe adult theme? I really don't know what to call it.....but this is the caption that caught my eye, cuz I was like "no, way":Man Molesting a Pinata Caught on Security Camera. I`ll never look at pinata the same way again. NSFW.)

If that does not work, try:


2 people had something to say:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, looks like this time the pinata got the surprise!

Anonymous said...

Being at SAHM is lonely even if you have a car. I have one set of friends with a small child here and it sucks.

Good luck on the job hunt--