Saturday, September 8

Some Randomness....

Oy, it's been a long three days. Sorry for not posting, I have not been feeling well and wanted to just be in bed.

I am soo behind on my reading but I did come across two things that made me smile:
1.) I got a new award! I will post about it later, but it made my day:o)
2.) and I got tagged! Never got tagged in the blogdom before, so all smiles here!

I did get out of my husband that there is to be a BBQ for my birthday, but I don't know when, don't know where, and I don't know who is going to be there....Sooo, BBQ+nice weather= one happy Monica:o)

my son kinda freaks me out when he is sleeping......he sleeps with his eyes open sometimes. Very weird. Oh and sometimes his eyes will fallow you. Creepy.

My daughter is evil. What? How can that be? Well, let me tell you. I had a cut on my leg, so of course I put a band aid over it. Madison, for amusement, started to poke at it. And throws her head back and laughs when you say "ouch". It's kinda cute, but evil, you know?

I had a scare today. It happened so fast too. I was watering the shrub out front and just let the water run over it. After awhile I went outside to turn it off, then the door slammed behind me. I could have swore that I had it unlocked, but when I tried to open the door, it was indeed locked. And the kids were inside!!!
So I went across the street and asked if I could use the phone, but those neighbors were moving out, so their phone was disconnected! Arg! So I went to another house, and she works for my mother in law so she knew who I was, I asked her if I could use the phone. I called the local lock smith and he was not home, the panic sunk in even deeper now...I was getting sick to my stomach, thinking that the kids might be crying for me or something. So I called my mother in law to see if my brother in law could some over and crawl through the upstairs windows because they were unlocked and I am afraid of heights. "yes! we are on our way!" she said, then I could breath.
They come over, Ben got up on the ladder and was working on the screen. I asked him if he could see the kids(our living room is upstairs), he said he could see Nolan playing on the floor, and Madison was standing on the couch looking out at him. She was all smiles! They didn't even know I was gone!
So of course now I am in. But it was scary, I had so many things running through my head. But everything was ok.

I think I need a nap now. I might just do that, both kids are sleeping now, so why not?:o)

Ciao for now!

5 people had something to say:

Anonymous said...

Jeez that really was scary. I can't believe that you didn't go all maternal crazy and break a window. That shows great restraint (or an appreciation for how much a window costs).

I'm amazed that you have never been tagged. Mind you, with only 71 posts in a year (and half of them in the last two months!) I guess it's not really all that surprising.

I could give you an award, but nobody ever seems to want mine ;)

Anonymous said...

I'd have been freaked out, too!! Glad everything worked out just fine...

Unknown said...

Glad everything worked out, that would have been scary!

Jennifer said...

Oh scary! I'm always afraid i'm going to lock my kids in the car. It's hot down here in Bama!

Unknown said...

I would have been in hysterics. Goodness. Thankfully we have a secret way to get into our house in case we do something like that, which I have actually had to use, but luckily my son was with me outside at the time. Glad no one was harmed in the process!