Tuesday, September 18

Because I can...

I seem to obsess about things lately, and it's really not the creepy kind I assure you. It's just that I get an idea in my head and then I want it done now.
Like we are currently looking for a place closer to Andrew's work. When the idea was new, I would always be on the look out for a place, that is all that is listed on the net. Now that has died down alittle and I don't look as much as I used to.
Now, it seems that dogs have caught my interest. And you know what sucks even more? We are not allowed to have any, and I mean any pets here, not even fish! Yeah our landpeople(owners) are crazy, but not just because of that....
But I have now narrowed it down to two kind of breeds that I want, and oh yes I have pics for you to all oooohhh and aaawwww over :oP

The Corgi:
They are soo stinkin cute!! And they stay small, but not too small. Ever sense my mother in law got one, I fell in love. She keeps on telling me that because her dog is a bully that all corgi's are, but really it's because the way he is raised- with another dog that is old and grumpy....so he learns it from her(the other dog, not my mother in law, LOL). So now with the pictures that I have collected:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Aren't they soo cute?! And yes I am fully aware that I am showing puppy corgi's, but to me even when they grow up they are still cute!

The Beagle:
I have always loved this breed and so has Andrew. I hear that they are really good with kids too. But I do have to say one thing, I want a purebred beagle....I say that because my family has a dog, his name is Duke:o) But anyways, when we got him, the people told my parents that he was a beagle....but he is mixed with a terrier too and I really don't like terriers....but I like Duke......when he's calm, and sleeping.......:o) Ok, on with the pictures!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Ok, how could you not go "aawwww" at that last picture? He's like saying "I know I did something bad, but I'm sorry". And yes, I posted puppy pictures again,( I can't help it) but grown up beagles are cute too, trust me!:o)

So there you have it, I'm weird, but I knew that:o) And those are the two breeds of dogs that I want to get, even though we can't have, but I want them anyways:o)


*oh I needed to add that tommorow's post will be intierly written in Piarat, because it will be "Talk like a Pirate Day", so it should be fun!:o)

6 people had something to say:

Anonymous said...

Well isn't this interesting, you picked the two breeds that I have not only the strongest, but also the opposite opinions of!

I hate Corgis with a vengeance. From when I was 8 until I was 10, I was attacked by a Corgi every afternoon as I walked home from school. If it didn't try to bite me it tried to hump my leg.

Beagles on the other hand are one of the best companion pets there are. They are perfect around kids and have the sweetest nature you'll ever see. Of course I'm prejudiced having one and a half beagles myself. But they are extremely high maintenance (they need constant interaction).

If you want a really pretty dog that's great with kids, you should think about a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. They are high maintenance too but only for their coats.

Anonymous said...

PS, that last picture is a trait common to Beagles, they will do that when they've been caught red handed!

Anonymous said...

We had a Beagle when I was growing up and she was awesome!! She wasn't too high maintenance and loved to be wherever we were. She, sadly, died in her sleep at 15 :( That was 7 years ago and I STILL miss her.

Right now, we have a purebred chocolate Lab. He's 11 and the sweetest dog. He's SO gentle with Morgan and has been since she was born. She's able to climb all over him and poke at him and he just takes it.

I love that "awwwww" beagle pic....I've seen it before and it always makes me say "awwwww". :)

Unknown said...

Those are some adorable photos! Especially love the 3 corgi pups and the first beagle. Adorable!

Here's a photo of my step-daughter's half grown corgi. :)


Jenn's Blog said...

so does this mean you're not looking for a place closer to us (I mean Andrew's work)?

Love ya Girl!

Mommyca said...

Willowtree-a good leg humping never hurt any one!...I'm kidding! But I think things like that will make any person not like the kind of dog that attacked you.
Oh and I like spaniels too, but my husband thinks they are too girly(rolls eyes).

Kellie- I like lads too! We used to have one, before we had Madison, but he was way to hyper, but that was because he was hlaf border collie. But our firnds have a pure lab and he is such a good dog!

Lisa- i tried the link and the photo is not available...but I'm sure it's cute!!

Jenn- of course we are still looking to move closer to you! It's just I don't obsess with looking around like I used too. But I still look, because it would be awesome to live closer to you guys!