Wednesday, September 12

What? Me?

Again, as I mentioned before I got another award! Yay, me!
Michelle from And then there were two! gave this to me:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
It's pretty huh? :o)
And guess what? I get to pick 7 people to give this nice award to! I know, you're excited.
1. Laura
2. AnnieM
3. Willowtree
4. BS
5. Heather
6. Kellie
7. SJ

Okay, I am aware that most of you have already got this award, but take it any ways, because it just means your extra nice:o)


1 people had something to say:

Anonymous said...

The man in my house laughed when I told him I was given this award three times.

Pfft to him. Doesn't matter what he thinks. It's all about my blog friends :)'re pretty awesome, too!!