Monday, August 20

Mr. N....

Is soo ticklish, it's not even funny! Oh...ok, it is. But when your trying to cut toe nails off of these:Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketit's kinda hard when any time you even touch him he pulls back and giggles. Really it's cute, and you can't help but smile...until you look up at this face:Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketand you know he's making fun of you because you can't even cut a babies toe nails......I finally got them all with out hurting him, but I was hot and sweaty, and it didn't help that Miss Madison wanted to use me as a jungle gym:o)

Oh, Andrew informed me that Nolan had "told" him that he only wanted to be called: Nolan, Mr. N. or Nacho.....yeah, I rolled my eyes too:o)

So it has been a week now that MadisonPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket has not had a bottle! She's doing great! She does not even try to take Nolan's bottle either. Oh and we got her a potty, and some big girl panties, here is a pic of her trying it out, LOL:Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketShe'll get it someday. We did put the panties on her and she didn't like it when she wet herself, but I think we aren't going to really try it just yet, I mean she did just give up her bottle, so we really don't want to push her.

Is this not the cutest picture you have ever seen?Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket It was hot, so they are just in their diapers(well not Madison, she has a cover on because she likes to take off her diaper)and they are both watching Elmo's World. And Nolan, is soo in love with his sister! He just smiles every time she comes near him, and giggles when she sings and talks to him. It's just to too cute! Madison is really a great big sister, she has even started to kiss him with out us telling her to.:o)

So I didn't get around to putting up my list, maybe tomorrow. Andrew has the day off, so someone will be around to entertain the little one's for a bit. Then maybe I won't be up so late. what do you think?

Oh and I'm thinking about doing a contest for me 1,000Th reader.....don't know yet, and don't know how I would do it, don't know what the prize will we will see.


3 people had something to say:

Anonymous said...

Holy cow you have cute kids. I just love looking at the pics, now I just need to get it together and see them more. Love you and keep writing!!!! I love reading it. I don't think I will ever do a blog cause I am a little private about stuff, but I guess I could write about you kids and stuff. Hmmm, something to think about. Nolan is getting big. Wow. Well love you and gotta go. Mom

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!!

Your kids are adorable!! Love the last pic of them in their diapers watching tv.

M said...

I love love love the pics.

And dude. Try doing toenails on Liam! Want a workout? That's SO it!

When did "Nacho" get so big? (And why did I find that so freaking hilarious?)