Sunday, November 11

Butternut squash

Sorry, the title is as random as this post is going to be....because today is a random kind of day, didn't you know?

I love it when Missy Madison just starts dancing to any music...yes even to commercials:o)

OMG, I forgot how teething was...but kindly Buddha Man reminded me...6 teeth down and how many more to go? and yeah, he's only 7months old.

I am going to make a quiche and banana-carrot bread tonight...who knows, we may ea them together, you know, to spice things up:o)

My hair is getting really heavy that it's giving me head aches( I have really thick hair)....I think I need a hair cut.

Missy Madison thinks it's fun to take off her diaper and then run away laughing really hard...

then it's a fight to get it back on.

I thought geese would be going south right now, but the flock that has been camping out in the field behind our house has been here for four days now.

I picked out a new color do do my nails in, it's called "cherry splash", but my husband hates it.....and I really don't care:o)

I am really, really excited about going back to school.

well, that's all for now. It's getting cold, and I should turn on the heaters for the night....did I mention we got snow in the hills last night? It's that time again!! Yay!


2 people had something to say:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on going back to school! That's great.

M said...

A: Dancing rules (as long as it's not me)
B: Lily JUST broke her first tooth through yesterday! Liam had, like, 4 by now!!! Yeah Buddha Man tooth master tooth!
C: OMG I want your foodage
D: Cut. that. hair.
E: Liam and Madison are soul sisters, erm, brother and sister. The diaper thing? SO not amusing.
F: Husband hates a red nailpolish? He's odd
G: I'm SO thrilled for you going back to school!
H: Snow. Oh snow. I want some. And we So need to turn on the heaters too but that means more babyproofing again! *sigh*