Sunday, November 4

Oh no she didn't!;o)

Oh the hussy from And Then There Were Two, Michelle tagged me....she is sooo lucky that I like her:o)
So this is called the "positive" meme....or something like that.
Okay, the rules:
Rules: List a word that describes you for every letter of the alphabet. Offer as much or as little explanation as you wish. Please keep the words positive (for example, don't use "fat" for F or "lame" for L), and feel free to get creative. Tag as many or as few people as you wish.
So weee, here we go!

A: know I am, just admit it;o)

B:, someone is full of themselves today! I'm curvy, and learning to like it.

C: Caring...I really am, and yes I even care about you..awwwwww

D: Dancing Queen!...I love to dance...ask my sister.

E: Ebullient...can't you tell?:o)

F: Fun...heck yeah I am! and for a FUN time call.....oh wait..;o)

G: Geeky...I am sooo a's not even funny!

H: Happy...sooo happy with my life right now, love it!

I: least I think I am.

J: Joyful...oh joy!:o)

K: Kind...goes along with that "C" word;o)

L: Loved, or in-love, actually both.

M: Mommy....ahhh yes I am, and I loooovvveee it!!!

N: Nice..really I am, how many more words do I need to use to convince you?;o)

O: Open...I open up easily, and open to new things(Andrew said that sounded dirty)

P: Procrastinator...have always been one, just ask my high school teachers.

Q: Quaint....yes I am "pleasantly strange".....

R: Rambler..if you get me in the right mood, I will talk about everything and nothing at all:o)

S: Serious...oh yes, I guess I do have a dark side

T: Thinker..I like to think things through, but I guess I really didn't think through this whole NaBloPoMo thing...oye!

U: Unbelievable.....really because how can this awesome person exists? OMG, I'm rolling my eyes at myself, LOL.

V: Virgo....ummm, yeah because I am one.....

W: my husband, kids family and friends...right?

X: Xenophile...ok, I had to look this one up, but it is really me:o)

Y: Young....though some days I feel really, really old...and I'm only 25.

Z:'s a soap too right?

Ok, wow, that took me along time....and soo glad that I have a dictionary on my computer, because I am really bad at these that cheating? Noooo, you're jst sad you didn't think of it first.;o)

So now I get to tag people...muahahaha!!! here they are!!

Sandra my sister;o)
Daddy Dan
and one more....
Shibby Shabby

Go to it ladies, and guy:o)!
Be sure to check out these awesome bloggers if you're just stopping by mine, because you know...they rock!


5 people had something to say:

Unknown said...

I've been tagged :) And really? The fact that I fell under the 'awesome bloggers' comment you made has made me forgive you for giving me this daunting task. Just kidding! I'm actually looking forward to it, hopefully mine can be as funny as yours! Thanks for the tag!

Anonymous said...

What!?! That's a lot of work Mommyca! Ok, enough of my whining. I'll be a good sport. =)

Anonymous said...

Mommyca: Now I did my abcs, next time won't you sing with me?

Mommyca said...

Heather- you are awesome!:o) can't wait to see what you come up with!

Daddy Dan- that was payback, wasn't it? Get that "abc" song stuck in my head for tagging you huh? i see how you play;o)

M said...

Yeah! Good girl for playing along! I love it! Although C made me crack up. You care about the whole wide internet, eh?

You and Josh had the same concept. Kind, caring, nice...I told him to get some variety in there we GET it he's GREAT. You too. ;)

I was too lazy to use the dictionary. No patience.

You = geek and a half. And I love it. :)