Tuesday, November 27

I need to rant...and some other ramblings:o)

About living next door to a music teacher!
We share a wall too......

I really don't know his name, he really does not talk to us and he's always gone. But when he's home with his girlfriend, the music is really loud.
But it has been a quiet few months, I think they broke up, I'm not sure. No, I don't snoop, all I know is that I have not seen her car around for awhile.
But I think he has a new girlfriend(or she got a new car). But the music has started up again.

It's going right now.

I had to turn up our movie.

Did I mention sometimes I wake up to him playing his piano? No? Well, I do. Funny because in our rental agreement, we are not allowed to have a piano......maybe he gets special treatment because he's a music teacher?

And I really can't go over and complain because I'm sure he hears it when the kids are not feeling good. You know, late nights when they stay up way too late.....

So I guess that really was not a rant, but just telling you what is going on......


So, this post actually took all day!

As you can see my blog is looking alittle sad. That's because I went looking for a new theme and it didn't work out and yada, yada, yada.....you get the picture.
Then I get to all the fun adding the stuff back that I had, but I still need to find a theme. It's not that easy and I'm super picky about it. Maybe I should just pay someone to make me a snazzy layout that would fit my blog title.....

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Also, I will be posting my first contest tomorrow(with a prize and everything!)so be sure to get the word out for me:o)

So until tomorrow....


2 people had something to say:

willowtree said...

I really feel for you with that loud music. That's one of the reasons I live where I do.

Don't get too hung up on a template, it's the posts that matter.

Shana said...

Well honey at least you only have a neighbor on one side...anywhere you live you will have the chance of having loud neighbors..I remember listening to our neighbor's son practice his trombone (the neighbors we share the back fence with) he praticed every day, good and bad, but I figured they heard me yelling at you kids and had to listen to Duke barking all the time when he was a puppy and they never said a word, so you know you just have to take the good with the bad. At least they don't fight all of the time, we had neighbors like that before too (one both sides..so I understand) It could be worse. Love you sweetie, to bad you couldn't make your own background with one of your paintings that would be way cool. See you and love you and have a better day! Mom