Monday, November 19

Monday, monday......

Well, you guessed it, it's Monday!! I'm not doing Fun Monday this week, but I wanted to remind you that there are allot of people who do go check them out!

I'm rearranging our house today, so I thought I would post now instead of worrying about it later. Yup, that means unplugging the computer!!! Oh the horror! I seriously go crazy if I don't have some access to the net or something. Wow, I need help, huh?LOL! But the house needs is, or should I say we need it? Andrew and I are the same on this, but we get bored with the same layout day after, I'm gunna spice it up!:o)

Today is also Missy Madison's first day with a routine....and I have to say that it's going well. I cut out alot of TV....she does not watch it allot, but we always have it on........but that's because of me, I hate not having back round noise. So I made two Cd's to have playing while the TV is off.

Oh and Missy is sick....she's not feeling her self. That runny nose really bothers her, and hates it when mommy comes at her to wipe it off. I jut hope Buddha Man does not get it, or me, or Andrew...that would suck.

You know what also sucks? Andrew's work....yeah after Thanksgiving he goes to only having one day off a week. Ahhh, retail, gotta love it(rolling eyes).
Speaking of retail, how many of you are shopping on Black Friday? Not me, way too many people. But just remember that the cashiers and sales people are people too....ok I'll admit it, there are allot of dump people out there working, but don't freak out on them if they don't have what you want.....get over it and move on to another store. It happens, stuff runs out.
It's really scary, there is this one gal that I know, and she is the nicest, sweetest person I know, but when Black Friday comes around, she. is. evil! Really, watch out for this chick!

Ok, I better go, start on lunch and getting this house stuff underway.
Fun. Wanna come over and help? You'll be my friend forever:o)


1 people had something to say:

Mrs. Booms said...

Yeah, I'm with you on the house thing... I've been going crazy on my house for like a week now.... ugh...

And Black Friday??? Not for me!