Thursday, November 1


Maybe not the topic that people want to read about? You know, about the whole going vegetarian thing? I kinda got the hint when I saw that I didn't have any comments....let me just say, I am not here to push this on anyone, it's not for everybody, but I feel, it is for me.
My husband and family asked me this question: "Didn't God put animals on earth for man to eat?".....yeah maybe, but to me, God also wants us to respect his creatures.....then Andrew kindly reminds me that "animals have no souls"...that may be, but they feel, they hurt, and they cry out when they are in pain. And to me it is a big deal. But like I said before, I gave up on red meat before, and now it's only chicken, pork and fish....I say again to husband, family and friends of mine....this is for me.

Ok, so maybe not the best first posting for November, but oh well. But you all should go over and see what some nice random dude emailed Biddy ....some people have no class, and if she's stupid, then I must be dumb as a.....see, I'm soo dumb, I don't know what I'm as dumb as, LOL.
Ok, going now:o)


5 people had something to say:

AnnieM said...

My views on meat have changed over the years. I've been planning a post about it!

Anonymous said...

this dumb thing sometimes it won't post my comments...siggghhh, don't worry about what everyone else thinks it is a personal decision, but the more people you tell the more you will hear their opinions so be prepared for that. Just don't get run down and eat more than beans, rice, salad and know I worry about ya. You set the example for your kids and it will be hard to eat different than everyone, but if you want to try it, then try it. are on your own for Thanksgiving, I am still making turkey and ham, no tofurkey in my house, remember what happened the ONE year I ordered dinner and didn't cook, so I will try and make you something you can eat. Love you honey, you worry about the little stuff too much, if you want to try it, then do it, but don't have the expectation that everyone will agree with you...doesn't mean Dad or your hubby don't support you, they just don't understand why..they don't have to either...soo good luck! Love you Mom p.s. it was fun the other night, your kids ROCK..they are AWESOME

Anonymous said...

You have to work for comments, unless you're a really popular blogger that's been around forever.

Anonymous said...

i am just now getting around to reading your posts. there is nothing wrong with what your doing.. don't worry about what others think!! who gives a crap about them. do what you do for you, right? :)

M said...

It's a hard change to make. And definitely people get all up in arms when they hear someone is going veggie because they think you'll automatically turn into a judgemental PETA freak.

Just ask Andrew to support you whether he 'gets' it or not. He doesn't have to agree. Just go with your flow.

And who knows why God did what he did and what his master plan was. Maybe he thought we should be cannibals to keep down the population? ;) Hey, like I said we don't know what the real plan is!

Although cannibalism? EWWWWWWWW.