Wednesday, November 14

Some randomness..

I know you love randomness, I mean I *love* randomness, so you have to! No? oh well, you're going to get it anyways!

So today, we ran into town(ok, really didn't run, we drove, geez)to get Buddha Man's second round of the flu shot....What?! Why the heck do we give out kids that when we stay home? Well, I'll tell you, it's because Andrew(he needs a nickname by the way)works with the public and brings home allot of stuff we don't we are just being safe. Anyhoo, Buddha Man did great and sister Missy Madison(not really a nickname)was there to support him and even held his hand. It was sooo cute, I wish I had my camera! Yeah he cried for a whole 5seconds...

Missy Madison *loves* the play area at the mall, and *loves* that there are always kids there. But mommy hates the weird old creepy guys who sit in the area and watched the kids play....I know, I know, he may just be a lonely guy who loves kids and may be the nicest guy in the world, but he just gave me a weird vibe....

Missy Madison is also getting to "grown up" for the stroller and wanted nothing to with it today...but she was such a good girl walking next to us, not running off and smiling and waiving to everyone. She's soo cute sometimes, I can't stand it!

Mommy(is it weird that I refer to myself as mommy? Ahh, who cares, it's my blog:o))is currently working on writing up a schedule for during the mommy(really my mom)gave me a pep talk, she said "you can do it! and twice on Sundays!" she really didn't say that...but it was a good pep talk about routines.

Buddha Man, well, he seems to think he's a dog...or something. I'll have to post pictures of it later....but it's cute.

Jess from The Tattooed Mama has launched a new site called All Things Cupcakes. And it is all thing cupcakes.....and I mean all things..from tattoos, cupcake recipes, arts, crafts and baby/children check it out!

Oh and in December, my URL will be changing....I thought I would wait until after NaBloPoMo...see, I think about things:o) but you will find me here. I know it's only one letter changed, but it helps me write it down someplace. Do it. an apple....they are soo goooood! Right now I'm on a Fuji apple kick....I just *love* them:o)

that's it.


2 people had something to say:

Anonymous said...

And I was just about to tell you the link was the same as your current address! I'm changing my URL soon too, to, but it's not nearly ready yet.

Sounds like you've been busy lately!

Mrs. Booms said...

Buddha man... too cute... and it is your blog and you can do whatever you want.

And thanks for cussing on my blog... LOL I don't feel so bad for my potty mouth now... :) And for getting my back... yeah, I'm feeling some serious hatefulness at this point... so wrong.