Saturday, November 3

So this is love?

This is a text message conversation between Andrew and I that we had today:

A: I will kill myself.

M: What?!

A: They added Shiny Happy People to our muzak station

M: OMG, you're a dork! Now suffer! Muahahahaha!!

A: I may be a dork but at least I don't smell like tofu farts. (yeah we say "fart" around here)

M: You are soo dead.

A: I love you though.

M: I love you too.

So yeah, we love each other:o)


3 people had something to say:

Anonymous said...

That's funny. Looks like IM messages my wife and I have had. We don't take the time to type I Love You though. For us it's I <3 you.

Dorky, huh?

M said...

Dude Shiny Happy People used to be my mom's FAVE song. She used to play it ALL. THE. TIME. Just hearing the words makes me wanna jump out the window.

I'm so glad you and A (cannot remember if you use his actual name on here and do not want to utilize if it's a no no. So hard to remember who's hiding and who isn't. ;) ) are as dorky as Josh and I. Why oh why must you be so close yet so far!!!

Mommyca said...

daddy dan- it's not dorky, sometimes we do that too:o)

M-I know, I know...and once upon a time we were talking about moving to cool would that be?