Friday, November 16

Listen up!!

So it seems that blogging has become a family thing!! My little sister now has a blog, thank you very much!:)
You can check her out here, you know, but just click-clicking the link here
So do it, do it now!
Because the Shar-par-ness rocks and them some.

Sooo, again, not alot going on here today. It's raining and cold, and it's not nice.
(put sad mommyca face here)
I need some sun people!
See, it's like this here:Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

But I need it to be this: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
and yes, the nice tropical beach would help too:o)

Sigh, I even got my daughter to start singing the "rain, rain, go away" song.....she wants to play outside too.


1 people had something to say:

Anonymous said...

i may be crazy but i love the rain!!! :)